
This is weird, but kinda serious?

by  |  earlier

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Every time I'd go to sleep, I'd start thinking about school, and why I don't wanna go. Then I'd start thinking about suicide for when I do go to school. By the morning, like early morning, I'd forget about it, then it'd start up again the next night, Is this something to be worried about? I almost end up crying in my sleep. I'm NOT going to a psychologist AGAIN. They DON'T help. I don't care what people say, they DON'T help, they just make you reveal your personal issues and such. Please help before I go crazy!!




  1. School will be over one day. Just keep your eye on that day.

    That's what I did. I felt just like you did about it. But it'll not last forever. Enduring hard times builds character. xxxx

  2. why do you think of suicide? life that bad? just think of all the things instead of all the bad, you think how many toys and games and consoles and food you got and people who love you and will miss you if you do something like that to me suicide is a very selfish thing to do. i can go on about the things you probably have. think about that, try writing a diary an reading back on it in the morning and see how you feel and write that down too, write the good and the bad! you should even be thinking of suicide at your age your too young you have a whole life ahead of you, dont you want kids a wife a life? think of your future  

  3. it sounds like you dont like school i mean do u do good in it? is there something that bothers u about school? i'm sry 4 being nosey but..if you need to talk u can always e mail me (on my profile page) and we can talk about it..and btw i know about the psycologists they didnt work 4 me either(parents divorce) well plz e mail me sometime good luk

  4. I think we can all agree that school sucks in a lot of ways. For some folks, it is a source of anxiety that dominates everything b/c it's such a big part of your every day life. Take careful note of what it is exactly about school that's causing your anxiety. BTW, if you see a psychologist, take an active part in your own therapy. Tell them exactly what you want to focus on: school. If they are unwilling to give you control over your own therapy, then look for someone else.

  5. Psychologists suck. They just make things worse.

    I'm 13, going into year 9 - I get bullied a lot and I have no friends.

    So I worry A LOT about school and cry myself to sleep often.

    And just think one day - you might be sad about leaving school.

    I'd say - listen to music [mp3, ipod] FULL BLAST HELPS ME!

    or if you have a ds, play on that, or watch a dvd OR read.

    Anything that will take your mind off school, off sleeping, off the silence, off the thoughts of how shite life is, and it should wear you out in the process.

    Good luck. :(

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