
This is weird??!?

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my guinea pgs wont eat 4 some reason?

i gave them some lettuce, tomatoe, cucumber, pears, and pineapples

they wont eat it??!!

( i have 5 guinea pigs 1 adult male , 1 adult female, and 3 babies... heh dont worry i separated the male from the cage)




  1. This insn't the correct diet for guinea pigs. Try feeding them guinea pig food.

  2. Have you tried guineapig food??

    if you have just got them, they may be to nervous to come out of the sleeping compartment of their hutch. Just givge them time.

    If they aren't new, take them to the vet.

  3. try feeding them diffrent foods like the ginea pig pelts in pet store.

  4. all of them? cause this could be many reasons:

    1. if it's just the mom, she could be pregent again. And she doesn't feel like eating. That's what they normally do if there pregent.

    2. If it's the babies. How old are they? if there just weeks old, they want to still eat from there mom's stomach. They might not know how to eat yet so they rely on there mom.

    3. If it's the dad, i have absolutely no idea. Males never do this and if he still doesn't eat you need to take them to the vet.

    Put keep putting food there so the mom and the dad can eat. And then soon they babies will eat from there too.

    if it's all of them, take them to the vet!

    Hope i helped!

  5. Have you tried giving them regular guinea pig food?

    After having babies, she might not want something as juicy as all those.  Try carrots and apples.  If that doesn't work, offer her pellets, hay, and//or fresh grass//clovers.

    If they still refuse to eat, then they should be taken to a vet.

    Have you switched their diets recently?  Switching their diet too soon can result in this behavior.  Normally you have to mix their old food with their new food until they eat all of it.  Then add less and less of their old food until they're all the way weaned onto their new food.
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