
This is what i am going to say to a girl i want to have coffee with as friends do you think its OK?

by  |  earlier

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Nastia i want to ask you if you would like to meet me for a coffee its not a date it is just as friends because i like talking to you when i come in to work and i don't get much time to talk to you

and you then i thought maybe we could walk around window shopping if you would like you are welcome to bring a friend

and her real name is not nastia i named her after the gymnast becouse i did not want to use her real name




  1. You can ask that if you want to sound like a mental freak. You imply your fear of rejection in your question just by the way you want to phrase it. How about just asking her out for coffee and leave it at that. If she asks you why, then tell her. But don't start tripping all over yourself there Enos.

  2. Just say wanna meet up for coffee because we never get a chance to talk at work and i enjoy talking to you as friends if you want you can invite a friend because we might go window shopping after and try to add in it is not like a date or anything

  3. It's kinda a mouthful. Not very smooth.

    You could say, Do you want to meet me at (insert coffee shop name here)? I like talking to you, you're a pretty cool friend.

    That way, you're inviting her somewhere, making it clear how you look at her, AND you're complimenting her!

    Or you could just be casual and friendly! Just ask if she wants to get some coffee later.

    If she asks if it's a date, then be truthful and say, well I wasn't looking at it that way. I thought we could go as friends.

    If she automatically thinks it's a date, then that's her problem.

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