
This is what i ate it healthy?

by  |  earlier

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2 wheatabix with a little semi skimmed milk (about a cup-full)

A cup of apple juice

Tuna sandwich - 2 slices of whole grain bread, a tablespoon of mayo and a tin of tuna

A chocolate biscuit

Half a raw carrot

A pancake (no butter or anything)

2 baby tomatoes

Half a cup of raspberry and nettle tea




  1. it seems pretty healthy just be sure how many calories are in that chocolate biscuit

  2. Its not bad, the food is healthy food but you're not really eating meals? You just have tiny snacks all day except for the sandwich....maybe try having an actual, breakfast, lunch and dinner, with 2-3 small snacks in between♥

  3. Yea nothing bad about that its healthy rasberrys are good tea is good carrots are good tuna sandwitches are good apple juice is good wheatbix are good a chocolate biscuite wont hurt you so its not bad lol and yeah healthy ....and drink lots of water!!!

  4. You should probably try eating full meals


    Breakfast: A- Bowl of cereal (with no sugar or anything fattening), some type of fruit, yogurt, milk, orange, water, or apple juice B- 2 eggs, whole grain bread toasted (a little butter), fruit, glass of milk, water, orange, or apple juice

    Mid-morning Snack: an apple, celery, carrots, or another type of fruit or vegetable, water, or juice

    Lunch: Seems like your tuna sandwich was fine, vegetable or fruit, any of the drinks I listed before

    Snack- vegetables, fruits, drink

    Dinner- type of meat, vegetable, etc., drink

    Dessert- cake, with ice cream (nothing non fattening about that but it doesn't hurt every once in a while LOL

  5. 2 wheatabix with a little semi skimmed milk (about a cup-full)


    A cup of apple juice

    drink water

    Tuna sandwich - 2 slices of whole grain bread, a tablespoon of mayo and a tin of tuna

    make the mayo low fat, like the new one from kraft with olive oil

    A chocolate biscuit

    one SMALL splurge a day is good, or one big splurge every 2 weeks is good too

    Half a raw carrot

    eat a whole carrot instead

    A pancake (no butter or anything)

    pancakes are horrible for you... so no

    2 baby tomatoes

    why not make it a full salad?

    Half a cup of raspberry and nettle tea

    tea is good... green tea is the best(if you're trying to lose weight)

  6. the food in itself is healthy, but the whole thing is not. are you dieting? because that's the only way and reason you can eat like this. so if you're dieting and this is momentary, it's fine.

    but if you're asking if it is normal to eat this everyday in your life, no it isn't really. you don't have enough vegetables in your diet, and where is your dairy food?

    a cup of milk is not ok, you'll have weak bones by the time you reach 50. you should raise your intake of calcium-rich food.

    you're also lacking a lot of vitamins with this diet.

    so as i said, it's fine when it's only for a limited time. don't listen to those who tell you that it's fine to eat like this everyday. i know what i'm talking about. and can't you at least eat the whole carrot or 1 big tomato instead 2 baby tomatoes? at least you'll have more vit. A.

    you can also replace the chocolate biscuit and pancake with cereal or whole wheat bread.

    and by the way, don't starve yourself and indulge in something nice from time to time. life is too short for you to forgo everything you ever liked for your waistline. it is possible to do both. eat and stay healthy. you just have to be moderate.

    P.S: it's better to eat more and burn it off by exercising, if you really wanna be healthy

  7. Not bad you are lacking in protein. You don't need to lose weight girl.

  8. i think it is pretty healthy if ure trying to loose weight like me dont tell ureself that im not gona eat that cuz im on a deiet even though u want to u should always eat alittle bit of it !!

    my friend she lost like 35 pounds n she looks way different.

    she said eat little bit instead of eating alot , and excerise on daily bases!

  9. Nice and healthy

  10. u need more protein and green veg, try to eat a complete meal, what is see most up the was snack.

  11. eat more vegetables !


    all kind of veggies-

    no pancake -try some nuts or whole grain crackers-

    tuna sandwich is good -al lil bit in high in calories but

    its really healthy so dont worry about it -

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