
This is why Kobe is hated?

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-Drops 50 on your favorite team and player

-Getting compared to MJ, the greatest player of all time, and that upsets MJ fans because they want MJ to be the greatest of all time. Thats why they say "Kobe is a rapist" "Kobe is a ballhog" "Kobe sucks" and all that. Thats why they also say and prefer other players like LeBron and CP3. They say CP3 deserved MVP because they hate Kobe. And they also say LeBron is the best because they hate Kobe.

So sad. LOL!




  1. Yes your right ,I would hate a guy that owned my team every time they played.


  2. no colorado was mentioned?

    no asking brandy for favors at the prom mentioned?

    no dissing philly when he was raised in suburban philly mentioned?

    no hating the fact his wife is smoking hot mentioned?

    no reason Shaq had to leave town mentioned?

  3. I guess that could be a reason they hate him!! I honestly don't know why........I don't hate him I think he is incredible and has more talent than just about everyone in the league. I love watching him play but ya I do like Lebron better than him. Its just my opinion its not for any of the reasons you mentioned I just do I like his style a little better. But it doesn't mean I don't like Kobe and think he is one of the best to ever play!!!

    P.S: I say LBJ is the best because of my personal opinion not because I hate Kobe at all

  4. This is why he is hated : HIS FANS! Like you!

  5. he is hated because he is too good.

    You only see other fans hating on him, because they are crushing their team, their players...

    To Allen Iverson, it's funny how you should mention the 81 point game.

    As I remember it, they were losing by 18 before he started hogging the ball.

    And after he started hogging the ball, they ended up blowing out the Raptors.

    His goal is to win, and they have the biggest chance of winning when the ball is in his hands.

    Or, at that game, he should what? pass the ball to Kwame Brown?

    Now that he's got Gasol, he's sharing the ball, he's become a leader, he has lead the Lakers to the top of the western conference and he has become the MVP.

  6. Allen iverson, how in the h**l does Iverson make his teammates better? Are you crazy he's a ballhog!

  7. your only partially right, some people are just haters by nature & just want to bring another successful person down because they are negative & in some way it makes them feel good or feel better about themselves, however....

    in kobes case i think some people dont like him for reasons that have to do with who he is as a person, not his achievements, people also love successful people, (ie jordan, wilt, isiah, dominique, etc...), kobe wasnt accepted & liked by the black community early in his career & people to this day do not like him as a person...

    anyone who wants to learn more about who kobe is in his personal life, i recommend reading phil jacksons book "the last season" im not saying you will no longer like kobe, but i dont see how you could respect him. im not saying the guy is 100% bad or anything, im sure there are good things to say about him, but he truly seems like a spoiled selfish person from that book.

  8. your wrong i dont hate kobe and i never did its his fans who actually say hes better than mj i hate

    your right kobe can drop 40+ on my favorite team and he hasd done it before

    but your wrong if u think any superstar can drop 40+ but they chose to make their teamates better! kobe is a ballhog simply droping 81 on the raptors is hogging scoring everytime he gets the ball because he thinks hes all that look at that and look at chris paul steve nash, allen iverson, lebron they all make their team mates better

  9. Name a time when he dropped 50 on the Rockets... Rockets and New Orleans are taking over the West... Lakers had it last year and EMBARRASSED the Strong West...

    Lost by 39 on the last game... What an embarrassment.. At least put up a fight and don't give up like whiny losers!!

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