
This is wierd but i honestly want to know this?

by  |  earlier

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my cm is going to the dry phase however my cervix is still open and fertile, my temp went down again, i think i may ovulate eiterh today if not tomorrow.

this is kind of a strange question but here it goes.

i heard about egg whites used as fertile cm-how to you use it? do you just use your fingers? I really dont know and really want to try this-my pre-seed hasnt come yet and I really think this is it-so would try anything.

Also after getting it in there do you have to wait a certain time to BD or can you right after?

Thank you

sorry if this was kinda gross-but i really do need to know




  1. You use the egg white just as you would a personal lube, I have preseed i have given up on getting pregnant if your dont come let me know i have like 10 packages that i will sent you just to get it out of here.

  2. Someone gave me this site and it's great, Warning, tmi here.I never really get the ewcm. I got the positive opk today and I still don't have the egg white like mucus. I am a little more wet down there than usual, but it's not at all stretchy. I don't think I could ever put egg whites inside me, It would gross me and the hubby I have never even heard of that.

  3. That is not a good idea!!! There is a very good chance you would be putting salmonella bacteria up there....not good at all. I would never put myself at risk for infection like that, but I'm sure you can google and gets tons of info.

  4. If you need to make more EWCM, first make sure you are drinking plenty of water. You can also take mucinex or Evening primrose. Don't use raw egg whites, that is not smart or healthy.

  5. The method you are asking about is foreign to me.

    I have heard EGG WHITES being related to the LOOK of ovulation secretions. In other words... when you ovulate, it looks like egg whites.

    Hope this helps!

  6. Hi! I heard that some women use egg whites to get pregnant. And it really works. I haven't tried it but a couple of friends of mine tried it and got pregnant during first to three months of trying. Anyway, you have to take the egg out of the refrigerator 2 hours prior to BD. The egg has to be in room temperature and then use a baby syringe to extract the egg white. You insert the egg white using the syringe inside your v****a (tmi) laying down on the bed. I hope that information helps you and your husband. Good luck to you and Baby dust!

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