There's this kid in my class that everyone is afraid of. One day while I was walking down the hallway, he came up to me and called me a girl in front of everyone. I felt very embarassed. I decided to comfront him and tell him how I felt about his insults. I looked at the clock and relized that it was almost time for my next class, and I did not want to be late, so I decided to come to him after class. So after class I comfronted him and told him that he embarassed me and I did not want him to call me that any more. Then he got up in my face and said," What u going to do about it punk?" asuming a fight would start I put my arms up in defence. Just then he punched me in the mouth and busted my lips. I told the assitant principal (the principal was not there because she was at a meeting) what had happened. Ofcouse she wanted the story from both sides. So when she asked the bully, he lied, and she believed him. And she put me in in school suspention. How should I handle this?