
This kid punched me in school and i got punished instead. What should i do?

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There's this kid in my class that everyone is afraid of. One day while I was walking down the hallway, he came up to me and called me a girl in front of everyone. I felt very embarassed. I decided to comfront him and tell him how I felt about his insults. I looked at the clock and relized that it was almost time for my next class, and I did not want to be late, so I decided to come to him after class. So after class I comfronted him and told him that he embarassed me and I did not want him to call me that any more. Then he got up in my face and said," What u going to do about it punk?" asuming a fight would start I put my arms up in defence. Just then he punched me in the mouth and busted my lips. I told the assitant principal (the principal was not there because she was at a meeting) what had happened. Ofcouse she wanted the story from both sides. So when she asked the bully, he lied, and she believed him. And she put me in in school suspention. How should I handle this?




  1. "What you going to do about it punk"? How cliche.

    The situation seems very clear cut to me. You're bruised and he isn't. It sounds as though there is some sort of biased favoritism going on.

    You should request to discuss the situation. You are a human with rights. It doesn't sound fair that she punished you without proving beyond reasonable doubt that you're the guilty one.

  2. eat his balls and then he will leave you and your balls alone your very small balls.

  3. This is normal. Schools always punish the victims instead of the bullys. Why do you think there's so much bullying, fighting, and killing in schools? It's not ALWAYS the students and parents fault, in these cases it's the SCHOOLS fault.

    The reason the schools punish the victim and not the bully is because if they did they would not get money from NCLB.

    Write down everythign that has happened and give to your parents, tell them to take it to superintendent.

  4. tell your mum and get her to follow this up.Bullying is not on and you are the one with the cut lip

  5. You handled the situation very well, with telling him not to call you that and not insulting him. I can't believe that AP wouldn't believe you! Set up an appointment with her and get your parents involved. If there were any witnesses (probably) ask them to talk to the AP as well. Good luck!

  6. Take the time off to learn how to spell some words the correct way.

    While he should have been punished since there obviously is evidence that he struck you, you are at fault, too. You confronted (not "comfront") him, so you instigated what occurred.

  7. Does your parents believe you. cause that is all that matters. I do not know how old you are but I was in a similar situation in 6th grade. he got detention for what he called self defense and I got 3 days suspended. And I had also had some problems with him before. my mom believed me and pleaded my case to the principle. but she would not budge. and as the 3 days went by the madder I got. so I made my mind up and on my first day back I went right up behind Chris in home room whispered hey behind his back and as he turned around I hit him with my metal clip board and cont. punching him until someone broke it up.. and as I got suspended for 6 days I was smiling about it this time., when the principle asked me why did I do it. I plainly told him that if I was getting suspened then it was gonna be for something that I did

  8. You should have your parents talk to the principle and tell him/her everything that happened as if they were an eye witness. Make sure she knows that he does bully others.

    Good Luck!

    Get well soon!

  9. what i would do is punch him back and then he will be scared of u and so will everybody else

  10. you did the right thing. but you shouldn't stop there. fight for this. you have every right to do so. talk to the principal, convince her. don't try to attack the bully physically unless you want your credibility to be compromised.

    when you've earned the trust of the principal, i presume that the bully will likewise be punished.

    but if he won't stop even after that (i presume he'll bug you even more), think of a scheme or plan that will put him to shame as well. don't attack physically, it will do you no good. embarrass him, that'll be more hurtful. don't spill the beans that you're the culprit - until he gives up because of your consecutive schemes.

    this is not because you just want to get even, but if he knows that you are influential enough, he may even get to your side. if this happens, play it cool and try to be a good influence to that bully.

    of course, you can go tell your parents about it, but you should be able to take care of yourself as well.  your parents can't change a bully, the best they could do is reprimand and ask punishment for the bully. but then this will just initiate a cycle, the bully will still bully the best you could do is stop the bully by enforcing that you can't be bullied!

  11. tell all the adults around you

    and don't give up

    prove him wrong.

    if youre a good kid, they should believe you

    talk to your parents like heart-to-heart and theyll

    defend you

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