
This kinda eerie, but have you ever found a dead body ?

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Of the human kind....




  1. Any WW2 veteran would have seen many, and a lot still bear the horrors of seeing so many even after 60/70 years. Only those that went through it will understand why so many weep during 11th of November remembrance parades.

    My avatar will  tell you that i was one of them that served.

    The R.A.F.was my call of duty.

  2. Yes, but not a human one.

  3. no, i never did skeeter.  but, my mother found my grandmother dead and she called me and i went to their house to wait for the priest and the coroner.  she fell asleep with a rosary in her hands, praying.  she was laying in bed and looked very peaceful  like she was asleep except she was cool to the touch and a little stiff.  she smelled sweet. like roses and almonds.  it was a loving and lovely experience.  so much better than seeing her asleep in a coffin.  i mean, come on, who sleeps in a coffin?  

  4. Lots of non-human bodies of course like birds, if finding someone in the process of dieing counts, then kinda!  

  5. Yes I have because I work in an old peoples home but when I was a home carer I found a lady dead behind her bedroom door at 07.00am, it was my first call of the day.  She was sitting on the floor propped up against the bedside table with the phone in her hand and I had to take the phone out of her hand to report it to my supervisor. (It was before the mobile phone days)

  6. i have. one of our good friends. i was at a christmas party across the street with my best bud and this person had said she had a migrane headache earlier in the day and would not be coming to the party. so later that evening, my other friend went over to see if she wanted any of the food we fixed and found her dead in her house. my homegirl came and got me and i went with her. this person had been gone for a while because she was completely stiff and swollen. if was horrible. we later learned she suffered a brain anorism.

  7. I'm an RN...Yes I Have.

  8. It's not technically finding a dead body, but rather, seeing one. It might sound like something from a movie, but i got home from school one day to hear that an uncle of mine jumped off the 17th floor of a building close by, and that my mum had gone to take a look. I guess he landed head first, as his brain was all over the pavement.. He'd always had some psychological problems, and was always a bit creepy, so I didn't feel much then, but my grandma and mum were absolutely devastated. I still feel ashamed for my lack of empathy towards my mum and grandma at that time..

  9. All the time. Dead flies in every window sill. I found a dead raccoon once, in my garden. You didn't say which species.

  10. yes it was a wasp but you didnt say of human origin so yesterday on windowsill a long dead wasp! RIP waspy!

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