
This little light of mine?

by Guest21216  |  earlier

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When you think of this song, what kind of images do you see.




  1. is that the peter gabriele song, if so it reminds me of 5th element, the movie

  2. I see a person's hands holding a ball of light, with upbeat colors.

  3. a small star that fell down from the sky, just like in that child story

    my own light ( my happiness)

  4. i wasn,t going to answer this question,and then i remembered when i learned and heard that song, how  people hated and did not want my little light to shine, it is the same today with me,   i must have a really powerful light,   for such envy to abound,     raised in the Bronx, nyc,  where they hate for lights to shine, at least some of them  

  5. i see someone special tht influenced me little  

  6. A bunch of robed gospel singers, or, of people sitting around a campfire singing songs.

  7. I see someone holding a little box open on on all four sides. It has a  candle in the middle and they are trying to cover it up as much as possible with their hands.

  8. I believe that it is a spiritual. I see candles within the forms of human beings and that they touch other people with the power of that light.

  9. i c little children realizin that their dreams r worth chasin...i once sung this with my Sunday school as a child n in a way we all should have dat opportunity 2 shine :-)

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