
This may seen dumb and impossible...?

by  |  earlier

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like on the movie "Back to the Future 2" when Doc. comes back from the future and his car runs off of garbage...would that be possible? i mean i would be great! whenever we are finished with our food, jus dump it into our cars or boats or lawn mowers or whatever!! thus getting rid of the overflowing land fills, polluted oceans caused by the land fills, and the poisnoed fish and other sea critters affected by the overflowing land fills!!! does anyone else think this would be one of the best things we could do for human/creature ecosystem and Earth? or am i waaaay outta here???




  1. Well if they can convert a car to run (abeit approx 25mph) on pig pee or manure ten surely they could convert other waste to do the same thing. But of course, governments being governments they would probably take the next ten years just to get a meeting to discuss having a meeting to discuss it and then probably there would be not enough funds - as usual.

    They can put a man on the moon and talk to him on micro transmitters yet they cant come up with a suitable recycling solution world wide !! ?? Just think of the money you could make if you invented something that would change household waste to re-usable fuel.... Kind regards from the North Coast of the Emerald Isle. It took 2000 years to make the hole in the ozone layer - it will take another 2000 years to repair it.....

  2. you are correct. this is a dumb question. your waaaaay outta here.

  3. I think you have your next million dollar question. It would be a grand idea. Since humans waste the most. and what about the garbage men wouldn't they then have a higher class then they do at present. I mean at 3.59 a gallon here I am thinking trash is the place to go

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