
This may sound horrible, so I apologize in advance. Please read on if you will about the question.?

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My friend and I were watching the Olympics today and I was mentioning how stunning the Chinese women were that brought the medals to the athletes and how beautiful their dresses looked. He then told me off the cuff that Chinese women are very frigid...have been raised to have no sexual desire at all and if they do to restrain it. Is this true...even with China coming out as a capitolistic market? Westernizing as they are? I am it like that over there, where the sexual revolution we had here and the freedoms it provided is still not a part of life in China?




  1. PUBLICLY, Chinese (and most Asians) are much more modest and conservative than westerners.  They tend to not dress suggestively and to not act suggestively.

    These traits tend to give small-minded people the idea that they are frigid and not sexually adventurous.  If you get to know them, it is totally different...  just like the west... it comes down to personality (some are wildcats in bed, some are popsicles)

  2. you are wrong,this is why they all look stunning, when the girls volunteered they were stripped and their bone density was checked, their skin and complexion was also checked and to add to the chinese perfection of the games the girls had to measure 1.66 meters, no more no less, they also had to be athletic, so that's why if you look, they all look the same. this is true. and another thing , in the rehearsals a dancer fell on her head and back, the officials told everyone she had broken her leg, the paramedics took over 1/2 an hour to get to the site.because of the tight security, so the officials moved her, she is now paralysed from the waist down, so much for being perfect

  3. Your friend obviously does not know anything about Chinese women at all. I have been to China several times and spent about 11 months there in total. I assure you nothing is further from the truth. I would say if you are looking for some adventure in the bedroom you should look to Chinese women.

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