
This may sound like a dumb question, but I need help making an international phone call...?

by  |  earlier

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I live in America and I have this number for somewhere in Europe and it starts with a "+" does this work. The whole number is

+423662080199 if that helps.




  1. I guess, you are trying to call Liechtenstein. Dial 011 and the number. If you want to send a text message from your cell phone to this number then you have to send it to  +423xxxxxxxxx. Hold down 0 for a second and you will get + sign.

  2. I believe the number is in tne Czech Republic (country code 42).  If in the US, you would dial:

    011 42 3662080199

  3. From a USA land line, that would be ...


    From a cell phone, hold down the 0 button until you get a +, then type the rest of the number as shown.

  4. I use this site and I love it.....Pick out  the country that your friend lives in then just follow the dialing instructions.....and there rates are very good.


  5. why would you give out someone's number on the INTERNET?

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