
This may sound like a silly question, but when do toddlers start to use pillows?

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My little gal, now 13 months, still sleeps well in her crib w/o a pillow. But, I was wondering when she might need a pillow. And, are toddlers' first pillows the standard size? Thanks for any help!!




  1. Both my girls went into their "Big Girl" beds when they were 18 months old but I still wasn't convinced on giving them a normal pillow then, so I bought them Toddler (kid) sized pillows, you can get them from any decent manchester outlet and they are a tad smaller then a standard pillow and are slightly more firmer. When I compared one to a standard pillow, I was convinced it was the right way to go.

  2. I would say when you move her to a "big girl" bed. I don't think they need one while still in the crib.  

  3. I didn't give my oldest daughter a pillow until she was out of her crib and in a toddler bed. She started walking at 6 months and climbing out of her crib at 7 months so around 7 1/2 months she was switched to a toddler bed and used a pillow,even tho half the time I walked past her room and found her sleeping on her floor lol. My youngest daughter is 13 months and still sleeping in her crib and she does not use a pillow.The only time I give her a pillow is when she is sick(has a cold) and can't breathe well while lying down flat so I prop her back and head up on a pillow. But that is it and not often either.

    I would say when they are in a toddler bed and not in the crib that it would be alright to give her a pillow

  4. I just asked my pediatrician this, and she said it is alright to do at 2 yrs. of age.

    Not a silly question :)

  5. Pillows aren't to be introduced until after they are out of the crib no matter the age so once she is in a toddler bed or regular bed then you can use a pillow.  They make children sized pillows but my boys did just fine with a regular hypoallergenic standard size pillow.

  6. That is so untrue I have never seen a baby walk at 6 months! People really exaggerate, haha!

    Well I have a 29 month old and a 15 month old. It is considered unsafe to put pillows in the crib when babies are newborns and at a high risk of SIDS. But when they are walking there is no reason why you can't put a standard like twin size pillow in there. I did it with my son when he was 9 months old bcz he had some issues with breathing and laying flat and the doctor suggested to use the pillow to elevate his head so that he could breathe easier at night.

    I guess its up to the parent really. The main reason why pillows are discourage is SIDS for newborns and also too much 'large' or high sitting objects can be used for baby to step up on and to try and escape the crib.

    It is common and it happens but if you lower your crib mattress to the lowest setting and the rail to the highest that should NEVER happen. IF it should then its time to take that mattress out and put it directly on the floor or to move to a toddler bed that is easy to climb in and out of.

    My son still sleeps in a crib bcz he is not mature enough to understand that he must stay on the mattress at night night. He is likely to sit up and play in the dark all night, ha!

    Anyhow, I believe a twin bed sized pillow is perfectly ok. And your baby might even sleep a lot better at night. I know my son did after I used it he sleeps a lot and loves his bed. He will sit in there even when he is awake and not even call me.

    PS I am giving you this info purely on the knowledge that you are talking about 'in home' practice of how she sleeps. In a licensed facility it would never happen bcz of liability issues. But I am giving you this info from mother to mother based on what works for me as a parent. Hope I cleared that up!

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