
This may sound like a stupid question but how do u avoid wearing braces i mean how do u keep ur teeth straight

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This may sound like a stupid question but how do u avoid wearing braces i mean how do u keep ur teeth straight




  1. Well if your teeth arent straight u will probably need braces. If they are it depends on your age if your teeth are going to shift or not. If you havent lost all of your teeth and all your adult teeth havent grown in there might not be enough space in your mouth and new adult teth could push the other teeth in your mouth and leed to crooked teeth. There are also other factors involved like over bite and stuff. But i really dont know im not a orthodontist or anything this is just what i know from experiance. I had braces. And usualy after you get them taken off you have to wear a retainer to make sure they dont shift back to their original position. But if your teeth are straight now i dont think they are going to magicly shift unless your younger like i said before, and if you are younger you cant do anything to stop them from shifting. Well i dont think you can.I hope this helped.

  2. Some people are blessed and some people arn't. I was one of the unlucky ones.  

  3. You have no control over whether your teeth are straight or crooked.  

  4. there are no stupid questions,,,,,there is nothing you can do to keep your teeth straight except braces,,,and after your done with treatment you wear a retainer> that will keep your teethstraightt but ONLY after you've had braces

  5. just brush your teeth regularly  

  6. Other than not sucking your thumb most of the teeth issues can't be helped.  It's the way your born.

  7. you can wear a mouth gard to bed to keep them from moving at night

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