
This may sound odd but i really want help.?

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I have been trying to awaken my telekinetic abilities but i can't find how. I saw my aura in the mirror once and it was purple. I found that that means i have psychic abilities. I am not sure how to awaken them. If anyone has any websites or directions on how to use telekineses that would be a big help. Thanks.




  1. If your aura is a purple tint some believe you would be an "indigo child." You can do a Google search for this and find tips specifically for developing indigo children. Otherwise, meditation will likely be the key. Meditation can open many doors, and it's a great place to start!

  2. Actually, no, that doesn't mean anything except you were imaging things, your eyes were blurry, there was a weird light behind you, etc.

    No one has psychic abilities.  No one ever.  If any one ever did, it would be an accepted field of science.  And it isn't.  I'm sure plenty of people will tell you that they're psychic, or point you to bogus websites where other people claim that they're psychic, but just think about it - if they could really do what they claimed they can, why would science ignore it?  It would be the biggest discovery since gravity.  Whoever wrote it up would win the Nobel Prize.  This guy would give the psychic a million bucks tomorrow for a quick demonstration.  Why are they hiding on the internet charging people to tell them this when they could easily be the richest person in the world?

  3. try meditation.  But don't be surprised to find out that though meditation, you find out that you have some but not all the gifts you would like.

  4. join a teaching coven in your area.  the high priest or priestess can better direct you.

  5. You may not be has interested in awakening your psychic abilities as you think you are. It can be a door you'll wish you've never opened.

    Who ever gave me the thumb down, I'm " gifted " I don't like using the word psychic because it implies reading cards or crystal ball. I use the word medium or gifted and I've had some extremely terrorizing experiences that adds meaning to being in h**l and if that's what h**l is then I know what those souls are going through that went to h**l. It's an inner fear that's literally paralyzing and you can't move but I've had a couple of good visions.

    I thought I was going to have another psychic experience last night or should I say a visitation last night. I get certain vibes and it's scary I'm really tired of this stuff. To think that I've always wished that I could be a medium or I should say gifted but now I want to shut it off. Every time that I think it's over and I won't be bothered any more I get messages or a visitation especially if some thing bad is going to happen to me or an accident in the family. Depending on how bad some thing will happen to me or the family. My night mares become terrorizing the worse some thing is going to happen. You think those terrorists are bad and scary. Those people are nothing comparing to what I go through. I've had a few really decent paranormal experiences that nearly brought me to my knees because I was filled with such awe and piece that it was really only a glimps of lets say heaven. h**l is absolute terror every millisecond with no rest and there is nothing on earth that can put you through that type of fear. When I die if there is nothing on the other side then I have nothing to worry about and all this won't matter but itf there is life after death then ya I'm scared actually I'm petrified of going to h**l. I know I meet the evil one and he doesn't need to touch you to put fear in you like nothing ever has.

    Oh almost for got thanks for the extra thumbs up now I have 3 who believe me,I'm not lying about this stuff nor am I making this up. If some one wants to here of some of my experiences sen me a message. When I told some people of my experiences I freaked them out so much that they don't bother with me any more.


    Hope it works

  7. Try visiting the source links I posted below for more information.  Good luck.

  8. Nobody is currently able to demonstrate telekinesis, therefore nobody really knows how it is done, if it is possible. Sure, a lot of people make claims that they can't prove, and will gladly sell you their book. However, the reality is, you are on your own.

    If you can do it, you would be accomplishing something amazing. Good luck.

  9. (Bull Sh***)- What is an arura?

  10. Come join the best website in the world.

  11. whatever gifts you may have you can awaken through simple meditation. Meditation allows you to quiet the "noise" in your mind, allowing you to hear your true inner voice.

    Peace to you.

  12. No-one anywhere ever has been able to demonstrate "psychic abilities".  If you find you can, please email me, I'll be your manager, and if you really can, I'll guarantee you millions of dollars.  I'll take 10%.


  13. Just because you can learn these abilities doesn't mean that telekinesis is the only one. Telekinesis is one of the hardest abilities one can perform, you probably won't learn how to do this until your in your fifties.

    You must start with the basics. here are four of them...

    1. Chi sense

    2. spirit sense

    3. chakra release

    4. spiritual eye

    the best and most use full of these is the 'spiritual sense' ability. It is the ability that one's soul can feel & measure another's spiritual pressure.

    This is very difficult to learn & get used to, your soul will input the S.P. data into your brain giving a light unsure feeling.

    The spiritual sense ability never lies but you can easily trick it with thoughts, making you "feel" a soul that isn't there.

    It requires full concentration & will take at least a month to adapt to it.

    remember it is an uncertain feeling so it is difficult to control. practicing in school is a good way of practice.

    Meditation is also the best way to increase your own spiritual pressure.

  14. u want help?? go see a counsellor, theres no such thing!!! AURA?? its ur imagination trying to make u believe that u have some sort of go wash ur face, get ur eyes checked and take anti depressants!!! that may help u with ur PHASE!!  

    as psychics have been known for their flaws, u r going to have alot of trouble with being believed and that aura u saw....was fake!! maybe u should read religious scripts or become closer to god...ur playing with the devil!!

    bahahahaha ur funny!!

  15. um, honey, i hope you know you sound really crazy, and dont track me down with your ''psychic'' powers, ya, thanx

  16. First, the link below claims to be able help with psychic abilities. The second link will allow to test your abilities online.

    Second, the study of psi phenomena has been considered a legitimate field of study since 1969 when the Parapsychological Association (link below) was voted as an affiliate of the American Association for Advancement of Science (link below) by a vote of 6-1. All full members of the PA are required to hold doctoral degrees and most do so in a conventional science (medicine, physics, engineering, psychology).

    Third, telekinesis (TK) is now called psychokinesis (PK) in the current scientific research literature and there is supporting evidence for it's existence. The effects are very small (requiring statistics to see) and effects such objects as thrown dice and random number generators.

    I have included links below for you.

    I suggest you read this literature to get an understanding of PK before you attempt to practice it. I also suggest law school before attempting to practice law.

    The more you know...


  17. where do u stay its so good to open abilities trust those u feel good about later

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