
This may sound silly but can you teach a syrian hammy trix?

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My 7 week old female hammy (sox) new her name a few weeks after we brought her, so she comes to me. Then i had a brain wave can you teach them any trix?

I don't know what like, but have you taught your hammy this or any other trix?

Ps: i was just wondering.




  1. yes you can, just google it and you will see!

  2. Yes, just repeat it with the same tone and reward him every time.

  3. Sox...your hammy recognises your voice as opposed to knowing her name. If you don't believe me call her Shoes or something. She will still come to you.

    Call me a party-pooper, but I'm afraid I don't approve of teaching animals tricks. It belittles them. This is why I hate the few remaining circuses with performing animals.  

  4. well , i taught mine to walk across a piece of string holding on with its hand , how to jump through hoops , how to do a sommersaults and how to come back when i call him when he goes missing .

    also i taught my guinea pig to fake dead when i tip him on his back and say cocktail , i dunno if you can do this wiv hamsters though.

    google it and find out , i just used my imagination , but i mite do the same .

    best of luck . stephanie .

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