
This may sound so silly, but it is so serious! How can I make my 7yo cat Brave?

by Guest57937  |  earlier

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I love her soo much just as she is. & yr ago I had to sever the cord and wipe the sac off her face when she was born, as her mother was too busy and her 1st set of kittens, (6) and she had twins and then another directly after my cat was born. She suffered a little lack of oxygen to the brain, but she's a ding-dong Beauty!

Lil' darlin.

Today my friend who shares hose with me, were sitting talking before I went to town and we barely heard this noise and she came screaming through the house, I guarantee doing 80m/ph and flew through the plate glass widow at the front of the house, smashing it.

We both tore off to find her and after the neighbours joined in a little search party, I found her well and concussed in a shed.

The angels were holding here face.. I just thank God.

What happened was a cat came in the back door and she took off!

Doing Ok now, 15 hrs later.

I carried a chair around the other day, and Silly Chook!, she thought I was coming after her, because she was in front of me

She has never been subject to any violence and we are very close.

Even if I were to drop a book, she jumps.

Can any-one, any-one help with this dilemma?




  1. I have a cat that is more afraid than any cat I have ever had and I have had thousands, literally. She is afraid of her food, water, litter pan (you should see her trying to get into the litter pan without waking up the turds, it's hilarious). I just keep her safe, talk softly to her when she is afraid and try to introduce her to everything that she spooks at. She is 2 yrs old now, still afraid, but recovering quicker from frights. I also have a safe place for her, behind the couch. I've put her bed there and no one is allowed to bother her there. When she's afraid she goes to her safe place. Maybe that would help, and save the windows.

  2. make her eat peppers put it in something like her food

  3. You can not make her brave, but you can have the vet prescribe some medication that will calm her. Poor thing, she sounds like a nervous wreck.

  4. This may just be 1 of those things you just hav 2 cope with keep her in a safe enviroment where she cant hurt herself and try to get some anti-anxiety medication. quite sad actually :"(

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