
This may well be the WEIRDEST dream ive ever had, it seemed so real. please help.?

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okay so i want this dream interpreted.

So okay i am 16 [Juinor in HS] and i dreampt (sp?) that when i was younger like in the 1-3 grade my grade took a field trip to some beach, i think it was the one in my town, and there was an earthquake or something and everthing went crazy and huge bolders were flying everywhere and 100 ppl. died. i know this because in my dream i seen a huge tombstone that said 100 kids.BUT THAT WASNT MY DREAM.that was like a memory i had in my dream. in this dream the only ppl i saw were my best friend, my ex best friend and these two boys that are best friends. and the dream was pretty much me having that memory and one of the boys having a video of the whole thing i guess he had a video camera in the water with him and he was recording while everyone was dying.also i remember running up to my elementary school and everyones parents being there and me running to my mom & hugged her. and i watched the tape and saw everyone dying, like kids hiting rocks & blood




  1. There have been a lot of natural disasters in the past few years, but the past month or so has been horrible!  I think perhaps this dream is probably a mix of a lot of memories of diasters, but it has "carried you back" to the age you were on September 11, 2001.  

    That may well be the first huge catastrophe you were really aware of, and we all felt terribly threatened.  I can't imagine how it would have felt to experience this as a child.   You must have felt extremely vulnerable.  As an adult, my feeling was "Life will never be the same again."  

    To a young child, 100 is a huge number.   Bigger numbers were barely comprehensible to you, so in your mind, you "capped" the number at 100.   But the sense of infinity the ocean gives, and the countless grains of sand also reflect the hugeness of such an event, and even more so in the tsunamis, floods, hurricanes and windstorms you've probably been aware of in the years that followed 9/11.

    You remember this day (and the days that follow) as a series of endless videos and film clips Did you beg your parents to turn off the T.V?  My son, who is now 17, begged us to turn it off and to stop talking about it.  He just couldn't take it.  He needed to turn his mind away from it, to have some peace of mind.

    What was in like being in school the day that happened and the day after?  Did they tell you at school?  Did you run to meet your Mom like you were escaping from disaster?

    Did you already know these other friends in the dream on 9/11, or have you been discussing it recently with them?

    While this happened in New York, in a limited place, the impact of this was felt around the world.  All of us  felt we were the victims and the target.

    So, while this is sort of a "tossed salad" dream of various disasters, it comes from the heart of the child you were on 9/11/2001.

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