
This might be a dumb question but what reptile would be the best "roommate" for my ball python?

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This might be a dumb question but what reptile would be the best "roommate" for my ball python?




  1. No other reptile will make a good tank-mate for your ball python. BPs are solitary animals and should not be housed together, not even with another BP. Them being housed together causes stress, dominance among other things.

    If your new snake/reptile comes with parasites, mites or IBD it will also infect your previous snake and you'll be dealing with double the trouble and maybe double the vet care. Do the right thing and house them separately, making sure to observe some sort of quarantine on the new one for 3-6 months incase it does carries diseases.

    Also, male/female combos? Not good. Snakes should only be put together for breeding, and after locking, removed to their respective enclosures. You don't want to over stress a female :)

  2. ball pythons are solitary and dont need a tank mate. they really dont even need a mate unless you plan on breeding. i have two males that are housed together because they were like that since they were babies by the previous owner. but you can try another ball python, but i dont recommend it. especially not a different species of reptile. spread of disease, stress and other factors are why you shouldnt house two reptiles together.

  3. Is it a male or female.  I had a pair.  they breed.  Hissing and love the rabits and chickens.  They did very well together as they were mates.  You should find out which s*x you have and get the opposite one.  This is what I did.  I had to put them in a Butler building as they were so large.  Great pets unless they are hungry...

  4. None.  They are solitary creatures and will only be stressed about by having another pet in the tank with them.  BPs do fight and show dominance to each other (people think they are getting along when they lay on top of each other but that is one dominating the other.)

    BPs do best by themselves in their homes, putting something else with them will only stress them out.

  5. yeah definatly keep them alone, theres plenty things that can go wrong when 2 snakes are kept together

  6. Someone there was right. No snake should be housed together unless it is for breeding purpose. The reason for this would be:

    1. Spread of disease (If both snakes have mites, how would you know which one that carries the mite?)

    2. If you feed them together, they can get/bite the same food item

    3. One of the snake can be intimidated by its "roommate" and refuse to eat.

    By the way, snakes are solitary creatures. They never live in groups, even if they're the same kind.

    Hope this helps ^^

  7. Probably anthor ball python but thats just me

  8. A ball python of the opposite gender.

  9. Another ball python. 2 different species shouldn't be kept together.

  10. another  python

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