
This might be a stupid question, but i really hope i can find an answer.?

by  |  earlier

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Hey. well alright. this delivery company called me a few days ago and left a message on my machine. they said they were calling to confirm my address. i have never heard of any delivery company doing this (like a company that delivers packages). so i kinda accidentally deleted the message and i have no idea what to do. the only thing i remember hearing is that they have my package and they are calling to confirm my address. this was like a week and half ago. i thought htey would call back but im not sure any more. i really need this package. so what should i do? the package was from IBM is that makes any difference. oh, and I live in toronto, canada. does ibm have a normal delivery company that i can call and get my package from? i'd really prefer not to contact ibm, cuz i have no idea who sent it from ibm. and i'm getting kind of impatient.

Anyways, this is kind of a shot in the dark, but hope something comes out of it. Thanks.




  1. Purolator Courier ships for IBM....give them a call or you call IBM directly to track your package....good luck

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