
This might be a stupid question but...?

by  |  earlier

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Why do racehorses have to be ponied to the gate? When I was watching the Derby I just started wondering about it.




  1. Who knows? we don't do it here in the U.K.,It seams a little odd to me.

  2. Keeping the racehorse calmer is one of several reasons, another is to keep the horse under added control.  A horse who gets excited and starts galloping before the race or acting up, uses up energy that he needs to save for using during the race, or may get excited and rear or kick or do something else that may cause injury to himself or others.

  3. It just keeps them calm.  To have another animal with them comforts them a little.  And it takes some pressure off the jockeys so they don't have to fight too hard to control their mounts as they warm up.  If the jockey gets in a tugging match with his mount before the race, it can very well cost him the race because the horse will use too much energy before the race.

    Horses in other countries are not ponied to the start.  In the US, you used to only be ponied to the gate if the trainer wanted to send out a pony with the horse... otherwise you were on your own.  I think it helps keep things a little calmer, a little saner, and a little more organized before the race.

    And no question is a stupid question!  :o)

  4. Just to relax them. Only the horses who can relax can win big races.

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