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So if i start taking folic acid every day even though i am not pregnant, will it increase my odds of conceiving? if so how much




  1. i have read an article that says it can help conception, and also have the man take it to increase your chances.  You should take it anyway if you are going to be trying to become pregnant.

  2. no it won't increase your chances but it will help keep your baby healthier when you do get pregnant  

  3. Researchers have shown that folic acid helps in preventing spina bifida and other neural-tube defects. Folic Acid is a B-Vitamin that your body uses to make new cells. Women should start using Folic Acid before becoming pregnant to reduce the risk. The reason being is that birth defects most likely happen during the first few weeks of development. It is recommened to take 400 micrograms - 800 micrograms daily to prevent such defects.

    Folic Acid can be found in many vitamins, but it's always good to ingest vitamins and minerals naturally through healthy foods. Folic Acid can be found in:



    Oange Juice

    Multi Grains

    Increased consumption of folic acid may boost the quality and quantity of sperm in men who suffer partial infertility, new research suggests.

  4. i think that everyone is right it will make you healthier and so by default the more prepared your body is the better chances you have at having a baby  if your stressed malnurished or fat  you can have a hard time i would take a daily vitamin its the best just avoid those with ginko and ginsign   if you go to health food store they can help they also have teas that help take the lining in the v****a down a notch and make you more fertile  good luck and dont try it never works

  5. No it just helps to prevent spina bifida.

  6. It won't help you get pregnant but it will build up in your system and help prevent things like spinabifida if you do get pregnant and helps make you more healthy as well.  The Dr told me to start taking a good Prenatal vitamin as soon as I decided to TTC.  

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