
This might be the grossest question ever!!!?

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So I bought my kids Syrian hamsters and was told they were boys, but today I picked one of them up and there was this stuff coming out of his but that looked kinda like milk and was kinda like mucus. Does this mean that he is a she and that she is in heat or is there something wrong?




  1. totally listen to Mike S!!LOL

  2. OMG THAT HAPPENED TO MY HAMSTER TOO!!! =o I was SO scared it was like her intestines. Yes, she IS a female (I've checked and re-checked) but she had exactly what the you said. Except idk if it was in the butt. It was in the middle of her peeing place and butt. I gently tugged at it and it was longer than I expected! It wasn't long but I just expected it to be just a speck but it wasn't. I felt it (to my disgust) and it was kinda thin but it felt a little like.... plastic. She has been perfectly fine. Can someone also help me too?

  3. It doesn't seem like heat.. Syrian hamsters go into heat every 4 days, so if you've never noticed it before I don't think that would be the cause. Is there a musky smell? Females in heat tend to give off a musky sort of smell.

    I would take that hamster to the vet, or call a small animal vet and ask them for advice and whether you should take him in.

    EDIT: I would listen to April, in this. I hadn't thought about the urine, but now that she brought it up she is right.

  4. Any boy parts ? It could be milk or s***n.

  5. See a vet.

  6. Depending on how old they are you should be able to tell if it is a girl or boy by gently flipping it over. If you are uncertain of what to look for(other than testicles) try looking at this diagram: that shows male and female hamsters.

    Their urine can vary in color from yellow to milky white. It is also possible that it is not actually coming out of his a**s and that it is actually s***n(it happens sometimes).

  7. If it was a milky yellow, it's just urine. Hamster urine can look milky at times. It's nothing to be worried about.

    As far as gender goes, Syrian males have large testes. If you look at the backside of your hamster, it should look like he has a big, big butt. If you don't see the testes, it could still be male--young males' testes look smaller. Pick up the one in question and flip him onto his back in your hand. Take a close look at the two openings: his genitals and his a**s. If they are far apart, you've got a boy. If they are right next to one another, it's a girl.

    It shouldn't matter if you got a boy and girl anyway, because you shouldn't be housing Syrians in the same cage. They are solitary animals and will fight, to the death sometimes. Not to mention Syrian hamsters can have up to 20 pups at a time. Even if they are the same gender, make sure you keep them separate.

  8. It could be wettail.. I would go right back to the place where you got them and have them look at it. It could be a matter of the hamsters staying there for observation or buying the medicine to make him better.

  9. Well that is a gross question and I think you should take that hammy to the vet because it could be a girl hammy in heat or it could be a sign of wet tail so you should take it to the vet immeditly.

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