
This might seem stupid to some...but I really am clueless?

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Okay, I am 15 years old and never had a bf. I am completely clueless when it comes to guys. I have no clue how to flirt, or even what guys like in a girl. So my question is how do you get a guy to like you. I am not trying to come across as desperate, I just really need advice.





  1. Be a girl who is interested in something. Boys love girls who are very passionate about something, whether it's a band instrument or literature or animals. Then just be who you are. Act interested when a guy talks to you. Try not to be shy. Look them in the eyes. They love that. Fix your hair and face every day so you look your best, and take good care of your body. I think you have every chance of attracting a guy!

  2. i was the same way.. i didn't get my 1st boyfriend till i was basically 17.. he came to me i was to shy.. didn't talk didn't respond didn't know what to say.. but he stopped talking to me. i got the nerve wrote him a letter sent it to his home address..and now we have a kid together. you just have  to find that guy that your comfortable with.. I'm only 20 so it wasn't to long ago for me. guys like confidence.. all i can say

  3. Look, I´m not the best person to answer this but I think the hmm.. "key" to this is being yourself and being mysterious if you know what I mean. Like you said, you´re not desperate so DON¨T act like it lol and be confident just not snotty :P.

          Hope I helped.

  4. Put out. No guy is going to object to you reaching into his pants to touch his p***s.

  5. i got my amazinggggg boyfriend of 14 months by NOT TRYING AT ALL. i was actually not looking for a guy. i mean i liked his cousin at the time but that was just a little crush. but i wasnt looking for a guy or anything and poof out of nowhere i find him and fall head over heals. i was just being myself and not caring what guys thought if they liked me then they liked me if they didnt then they didnt

  6. LOT of material to cover in that simple seeming question!

    There is no ONE thing every guy agrees on that they like, any more than there is one thing that all young women like in guys.  So don't look for ways to change yourself into anything else.  It doesn't work.

    Work instead on being who you really are to the best of your ability.  Learn some of the ways to build confidence and social skills, books by Dale Carnegie are a good place to start.

    And most of all DON'T WORRY.  Whatever is meant to happen will happen.  Stressing out over the future won't make things happen any faster, you'll just freak yourself out.

    Hope this helps?

  7. dont be shy and talk to anyone and everyone. put urself out there. guys really like that. if a guy smiles when he's around u, that's a good sign. if he isnt really syced when ur around, see if a friendship can grow for now. be popping up in places he will least expect, kind of like a surprise, NOT a scare. dont seem desperate. play hard to get a little. think of urself in a good way. always feel confident and beautiful and so will he. everything after that just flows. take it slow, with ur first relationship and then u'll catch the flow. good luck and have fun.  

  8. You should really just be yourself.

  9. Be yourself and the right guy will notice you and like you for who you are. Take care of your personal hygiene, no one wants someone who doesn't care for themselves. Be positive, everyone likes to be around happy people. Self confidence is very attractive, show off your talents. Like yourself first and others will like you too. Good Luck!

  10. all i got to say is be yourself dont try to be someone else that ur not be you. you are going to find a guy that loves you more than anything on this earth give it time dont go look for a guy or for  love let love and a guy find you sit back and enjoy the single life honey.

  11. Be yourself. Love yourself. Have confidence, and the right guy will want you for just that. ^_~

  12. Just be yourself, and the rest will come naturally. Good Luck!

  13. Be yourself. Never change who you are for anybody. Guys tend to love self confidence in a girl. If you have an interest or hobby, maybe join a club or group for that particular interest or hobby and you'll meet guys that you share at least one interest with. You can start off talking about that interest for an ice breaker and then move on from there. Become friends with the boy you like first, that way you get to know more about him before you start to date.  

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