I was wondering how honourable the Welsh are towards their culture and their people. I was also wondering if they would allow foreigners of a different culture to ever mix with them. Do the Welsh drink a lot? I am a South African and I have Welsh forefathers (as well as others such as Dutch, Malays and Germans). If I were to go to Wales, want to live there and learn the Language, would the Welsh accept me? I feel the Welsh blood running through my veins. I want to learn and understand the Culture and everything. Most of my forefathers converted to Islam including my Welsh forefathers. Can I still live in Wales oneday irrespective of my religion? My culture remains western, my ways too, my thoughts remain free but I do admit that I differ with certain things (in terms of religion/belief). How do you think it would be for me? I will not dishonour my forefathers and changed what they have implemented. I will not change my culture or religion but I really feel as if I should go to Wales because in the old end, for me, culture is stronger than religion and love remains the strongest.