
This morning, I think I had something in my eye and I don't think it got out...?

by Guest60387  |  earlier

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I sometimes feel that something is in my eye but there isn't anything there and it always happen in my right eye, never my left. What's wrong? I've tried washing it out with some artificial tears and even real tears comes out, but it feels like it's still there.

This happens to me about once a week.

Are there bacterias in my eye?

Scratched retina?




  1. This may be scratched cornea.  You can't scratch your retina unless you've had a serious injury, as the retina resides inside your eyeball.  You should see your eye doctor as he/she will be able to tell if there is something in your eye or if you have an abrasion.

  2. It could be a scratched retina but it might be a condition called blepharitis which is an inflammation of the eyelid and is very difficult to get rid of - luckily it is not serioud, just very annoying and itchy. You might also have a touch of conjunctivitis - you can get a cream or special drops for that at a pharmacy. Finally, it might just be that you have something called "dry eyes" and the best way to treat that is to use the artificial tears regularly. If, however, the problem persists or you start to get blurred vision, go and see the doctor or nurse.

    Hope it clears up soon.

  3. Your eye maybe scratched.  try going to the eye hosptial they may be able to tell you what is wrong. if you do not have the time to go to the eye hospital stop off at somewhere like boots and look for eye drops that can help with this.  I can get a pain in my eye sometimes as if something is in it but there is nothing there normally i just run my eye a little and it goes. x

  4. You could also possibly have an eyelash that has turned in and is scratching your eye.  It is called trichiasis and can cause irritation.

  5. gritty eye/eyes, can be caused by arhritic conditions.

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