
This morning I did something stupid..YOu see its alot of dry air in my house so I usually pour cold water on?

by Guest67029  |  earlier

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my face to wake me up..sometimes I keep a water bottle beside my bed and just put a little of that on my face..To get to the point yesterday I did laundry at a friends house and I put my liquid SUN detergent in the water bottle because I didnt want to carry that huge bottle..for some odd reason I had it by my bed next to the empty laundry basket.

and when I woke up I opened it a put the detergent on my face lol<<not funny but I realize how stupid that was I was half sleep I even poured it on my hand and didnt realize it until I tasted in my mouth

ANyway I did rinse with cold water but I still have a little tingling feeling and bad taste in my mouth obviously isd there anything else I should do or just keep the cold water coming




  1. you should rinse your face for 20 minutes with cool water

    If you think you swallowed some of it call poison control

  2. Keep washing and if the irritation persists then go see the doctor or go to accident and emergency.

  3. water  

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