
This morning I got my wisdom teeth pulled...?

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And the dentist stiched the two bottom gums. One of the stitches is out and the thread is hanging. My mother said that was okay. How long will the stiches last in your mouth? Thanks :)




  1. it all depends. most of the time the dentist will use dissolvable stitches meaning that when the extraction site heals completely the stitch will come out. I'm sure you're fine but in case you're worried give your dentist a call.

  2. I had mine removed last thursday and one of the ones on the bottom were hanging out and I could see it too. Don't do anything to it and just leave it alone. It will go away eventually. If they're the dissolvable kinds, it will take about a week to dissolve.

  3. It depends if your dentist put in dissolvable treads in, if so than they'll stay in for about a week, just long enough for your wounds to heal up. If they aren't dissolvable than you should be having an apt. soon to get them taken out. If the wound that your stitch fell out of is wide open and not healing than call your dentist and ask them if it'll be okay or if you should go in for another quick stitch up.

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