
This neighbour sits on her doorstep for hours ?

by Guest33708  |  earlier

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each day I don't understand someone said she got no confidence, what does she mean by this




  1. Usually when someone is siting on their doorstep something is wrong.

    You wouldn't sit on your doorstep if u were happy rite???

    She might be lonely or maybe she is depressed.

    Something mite be wrong. She must have her reasons.

    She is probably thinking or maybe she has an abusive husband and has to get away from him and she don't have a car. IDK.

    As u can tell I have a pretty wide imagination. But just ignore it and let her sit by the doorstep in peace or you can go up to her offering her to come and join you and your family for dinner or offer her some snacks or just talk to her.


  2. Mean by 'she got no confidence'? It means she doesn't believe in herself as much as she should, she's nervous around people and doesn't feel proud to be herself.

    She probably sits on her doorstep because it's silent, unlike inside her house. Does she have family troubles? Sometimes I sit on my doorstep for hours just because I like being alone and listening to the birds in the trees. It's relaxing, a little way to just escape and think. The world kinda stops for a little, it's a peaceful feeling.

    Maybe she's jus trying to gather herself. Maybe go over and talk to her, give her a friend [:

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