
This new "My Yahoo" is cr@p!?

by  |  earlier

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I've had a My Yahoo page so long I can't remember how long. This new "My Yahoo" is really bad. Time to look at other alternatives.




  1. I agree.  But don't just kvetch here.  Provide SPECIFIC complaints at this address:

  2. I totally agree.  It is my hope that someone from Yahoo reads this post and understands that the new page is NOT better, despite what the Yahoo propaganda says.

    Goodbye Yahoo!  I don't know how many years I've been using this site/email but if I can't use my old page and have to 'get used to another page', it may as well be google.

    So long Yahoo, best of luck.  I will no longer be using your service.

  3. I don't know why they changed it. It was fine the way it was. This is like McDonald's changing their french fries. You don't mess with a good thing. If they wanted to "improve" My Yahoo! they could've given us more themes and color combinations, maybe the ability to use our own pictures as backgrounds, or added more font choices, let us put a photo of our choice at the top of the page.  The only way the page has changed now is it's loading 100 time slower and the new themes give me a headache they are so bright.

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