
This new web site "facebook"?

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okay so i hear that its better than my space? whats so good about it? im thinking about making one but just not sure...i don't want to run in the same drama as my space what do you think?




  1. I think it's great. It's a lot more private and safe, and really is a better way to connect with your friends. I like how they have all of the applications and status updates and notification too, it makes it a lot easier to use. And MySpace knows it's better, because if anybody hadn't noticed, they've started completely copying facebook.

  2. Definitely get it.

    MUCH safer. You can still have a lot of friends, but you KNOW who you're talking to. You can join a network of your school/area.

    I don't think Facebook equals drama. Give it a try :)  

  3. Well, since I've been on Facebook for over a year and a half, I wouldn't call it "new".

    I was on Myspace for only a couple months. Only until I found Facebook. Believe me, it's better. I have numerous friends who have been obsessed with Myspace for a long time, and were stubborn to try Facebook. Finally, they gave in, realized how much better Facebook is, and haven't touched Myspace since.

    Give it a try. Find all your friends, look at their photos, try the applications, chat in groups...if you don't like it, you don't have to keep it. Honestly though, there are millions of things more that you can do with Facebook than Myspace.

  4. It's not better than myspace, facebook is run by a bunch of n**i's they disable accounts if you use them more than their threshhold which is about more than 6 posts in 10 minutes.

    Don't I repeat do NOT waste your time with facebook it is a junk site that offers very little real value.

    The company is run by complete idiots who happen to be theives do not trust them they are dishonest and a front for the government specifically the FBI as a means to suppress people and their activities, removing anonymity from the net and forcing total compliance to non activity online- instead just making the net a shopping centre for wasted time with no real value. It is a vegetative intent, and these people ARE NOT for the public benefit.

    I'm pretty sure they were bought out by MICROSOFT, and since then have had terrible customer service, it is a hotmail syndrome, first they offer service then they scale them back and make them pay for use. Total economic scamming, and class creation on the internet for otherwise free things.

    The company is not a good thing. Think very carefully before you support it because they basically remove freedom on the net and create a monitored herd.

    By the way it is anything but private or safe - they remove your privacy by forcing you to use your real name and date of birth, which they check on and try to substantiate information by data mining school records and stalking in other ways. Also they have had a handful of "data security breaches" that have exposed private information to everyone. Not a safe site, and not a private site.

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