
This one has been kicking around for awhile... what think you?

by  |  earlier

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Once I pondered love

at the summit of desire

Fear stayed my hand.

I did not enter and thinking I had lost my chance

Left the place in torment.

Today I find that time waits for me..

I shall ponder love at the same gate

And will not hesitate but rush on

with the tick tick tempo of mounting time.

Summits exist only to be stood upon.~ patsy mcAuley




  1. Its very good, like the tick tick sound when its recited! Being afraid of love, then wanting love, then fearing that love will pass you by with time.

  2. I read this several times. Silently at first, then out loud. Very moving. The third line paints a brilliant picture. The sixth line gave it new life, and I enjoyed the pause at the end... It gave me a feeling of renewed faith... and for that I am thankful.

    We stand together... you and I, on this summit called life.

    Much love always,


  3. I like it. Don't be afraid to expose yourself to love.

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