
This one is for the mothers?

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I remember as a child when there was a family crisis finding comfort in the arms of my Mother. It occurs to me there must have been times when she was a frightened as I was, but didn't let it show. My question is, in these times how do you find the strength to hold it together?

To all the woman who raise their children and are the backbones of their family, I can think of no greater thing to do. I salute you all.




  1. the only answer i can give you is..... Its like .... I would rather be hit by a bus than to let a child get hurt!!!!  There is no greater love than like a mothers love for her children.

  2. I don't really think about i think most mothers don't

    it comes naturally...we know that if we fall apart it just makes things that much harder and worrysome on the kids..

    it is contagious...if they see how upset we will rub off on them...that is how we keep it together...for their peace of mind,...

  3. I agree with the other person, it just comes naturally, mothers instincts. No matter what, my kids are the reason I get up every morning, the reason for me living. I love my kids. I do admit I get scared at nights when I hear noises and things like that but I have to protect them first. Think of myself last.  

  4. I guess b/c almost all moms put their family before themselves. They try to comfort and make sure everyone else is happy before they comfort themselves. I honestly don't know how or why us mothers do just comes out b/c we are nurturing women.

  5. i cry when my kids are not gets hard but it is best for you to not let them no..when i lost my daughter at 2 i thought i would never be able to be there for my sister (i was raising her) but i think it is a motherly instinct it just kind of comes..honestly i had a very tough abnormal life and i never though i would be emotionally strong again but you know how your kids come first it made it easier trying to do it for my kids!!and i always think positive thoughts..when things get so bad they can only get better right!

  6. I know what you mean - those women who truly "mother" their children, and sometimes the children of other women, are to be commended.

    My "mother" was my mother-in-law, whom I met when I was 16 years old when the boy who became my husband took me home for the first time.  

    She was always kind to me, always had time for me, always helped me when I needed it - things my own mother didn't do, so I was truly blessed to have such a woman in my life.

    I remember her telling me that she used to get terribly sea-sick but once when she was on a ship with her two children, because they were feeling ill and she had to comfort and take care of them and didn't have time to feel sick herself!

    She was quite a woman and a great role model for me throughout my life.

    I guess you get the strength to do something seemingly impossible, when it is in the best interest of those you love more than yourself.

  7. I always lean on my faith.  When a crisis occurs... I turn to God immediately and try the best that I can to do to show them to do the same. They always feel secure and I am so glad that they feel they always have someone to turn to.

  8. With a love above and beyond all things. A kind of love that sacrifices for the sake of the ones she loves more than herself. I always pray that I don't let my kids down because they are counting on me. The minute I conceived my kids I knew I had to protect them in every way I can. I protected them when they were in my womb. All the more that I should protect them now that they are born. There are a lot of stupid and crazy things out there. Who else can best protect the children other than the mother who is willing to sacrifice herself for their sake. Love it all is.

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