
This one is the first reject. If it only made sense...?

by  |  earlier

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Nonsensical inkblot dribbler,

Babbling crayon scribbler,

You don’t care about art, do you?

Oh fountain of horrible Haiku.

Worrisome wobbling meddler,

Cornball muffin fluff peddler,

Simpleton rhyming, Keystone Kop timing,

Butt jokes, eye pokes…miming.

When will you ever get serious?

These puns, they make me delirious,

I want to hear more about politics,

Not, your friends and their jollysticks!

Our most highly respected scholar,

He’s downstairs playin' cards for a dollar,

His pen, a burden unbearable,

Mediocrity, a destiny oh so terrible.




  1. Hey I don't make sense most of the time And this makes sense!!.........I like Reenie's answer,,,,,What's the buy in!!!

  2. NOW WAAAAAIT a minute!

    When did making sense become a rule??

    Can I get in on the card game?

  3. Oh, is sense required now?

  4. the question is : is it not authentic?  Is it not sincere? is it not original?

    No? then .. is it not honest?   well then,  just......have a good day!

  5. Laughter, is indeed the best medicine!

  6. If this was the first reject, consider this the second.

  7. This world is far too serious.   I say "More delirious puns, please!"

  8. Brotbäcker there lingers only one question today and it is....will the Germans declassify the Turks as breakfast cereal.


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