
This one will get me shunned?

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I don't believe in g*y people!

Ok i don't believe in straight people either!


I simply do not believe in orientation. I'm not saying everyone is bi or anything of the sort. I'm saying i don't believe in defining people simply by what they do. What you do is not who you are.

I know people say once a criminal always a criminal, but i stole a button when i was six. Am i a thief?! I may steal but i am not a thief!lol j/k

I hope i am making sense. I'm not quite here, nor am i quite there.

Any thoughts?




  1. You're confused because you have no moorings.

  2. But you stole the button when you were six.

    If you continually had s*x with men and not women, then you'd be g*y.  That's not to say you couldn't change in the future.  I guess people can change between being g*y and bi and straight depending on current habits.

  3. Sexuality is all in the mind. There is no g*y and there is no straight. Both are states of mind.

  4. You're making a lot of sense! I wish more people thought like that..Everyone is so quick to label, but really- we're just human beings, plain and simple...Everything would be so much better if we didn't have to deal with associating ourselves into certain categories just to know "who" we are..

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