
This ones for the married ladies out there...?

by Guest56709  |  earlier

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Your husband and kids are out of the house for the rest of the day and you're out for your daily jog/walk one morning, an attractive man pulls up in a nice late model car/suv and asks you in a polite way if you would like a "little help" with finishing your "workout" at home and you in no way feel uncomfortable/threatened with the situation.

Knowing that you would in no way would be in danger of being discovered, would you take him up on the offer?

If not, what factors would it take to sway your decision?




  1. No way - the risk is not in being found out it is in betraying my marriage and in doing so betraying myself. Having a casual affair is always easy it is working on a committed relationship that will last more that 15minutes that matters.

  2. Wow, you have this whole scenario planned out huh?

    First off, If anyone pulled up along side of me as I was jogging, good looking or not, and proposed that idea, I would tell him to get the h**l away from me. He could be a serial killer or have diseases or something. Gross.

    No, I wouldn't cheat on my husband of 13 years even if I knew I wouldn't get caught because I would know and the guilt would be horrible. I dont think there are any factors that would sway my decision.

    Especially not a stranger who drives up behind me, that's disgusting.

  3. This is a darned creepy hypothetical!  But in the spirit of ignore the creepy:  I don't speak for anyone but me.  I love my husband and we work very hard to keep our relationship on good ground.  This would be like me taking a wrecking ball to my own foundation, that is, reckless and irresponsible.  I made vows that I won't give up lightly, one of those was to honor and love my man.  Hurting him (even if he didn't know,  I would) is not an option.  Of course we fight and hurt each other from time to time, but it is never a good thing.

  4. not interested

  5. No way.  I would never risk what I've spent 20 years building for a one night stand.  I would never betray my husband's trust for anyone or anything.   I when I vow fidelity I keep my promise.

  6. So what you're asking is if a married woman is given the opportunity for reprecussion free anonymous s*x with some guy would we do it.  What an odd guy question to ask.

    Though divorced now even when I was married the answer would be a big fat no.  What you're describing is a creepy luring scenario that no woman in her right mind would accept let alone feel comfortable with the guy making the offer.  She would probably be on the cell phone with the cops and giving a license plate if she had two brain cells to rub together.  Having had that particular experience myself all I can tell you is that even had the guy been crawling with puppies and kittens and references to vouch for his sweet and gentle nature, not a chance.  So not going to happen and if someone answers in the positive she's either lying her a** off or mentally unstable.  I suggest that you re-ask the question replacing the creepy scenario with someone that the woman at least knows in some capacity and be more specific about the marital status.  Unhappy or blissful?  Why would a happily married woman do that?

  7. Not just no, but h**l no.  Marriage and relationships are built on communication and trust.  Sneaking around on your spouse, regardless of whether or not you will be discovered, is uncalled for.

    If your that darned unhappy with your husband, your children, and your life that you'd throw it all away for a quick roll, then by all means, follow that stupidity to the bedroom.

  8. Sure, I'd take him up on the offer.  Once at home, I'd put him to work vacuuming, doing laundry, raking the yard and washing my car (also a nice, late model SUV).  After that, I'd put him to work fixing my computer and installing screens in my windows.  I'd make him a sandwich and send him on his way.  And heck, I'd tell my husband all about my good fortune--maybe he can give him some golf tips or something next time he swings through the neighborhood.  Send this man my way, please.

  9. This is a creepy question

  10. no way never. I'm married with a family. Why on earth would I want to jeopardize that by sleeping with a complete stranger. And to tell you the truth... the world is not safe and if a car pulled up to me while I was alone jogging I would run like h**l and call the police. I mean that sounds like the classic way to get kidnapped, raped and murdered.

  11. no longer hitched,

    I would still say no.

    maybe in fantasy, but never in real life.

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