
This or that ! hmmmm?

by Guest45141  |  earlier

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lets face it this is the most contraversial election in history , i mean either way it goes this is going to change history , either we have the first female vice president , or we have the first african american president , and the issues involved are stronger than ever before , how many of you see this as the first time in many generations where we have a record breaking number of voters going to the polls ?




  1. Unfortunately, the "first this or that" stuff may actually matter more to some than the issues do!

    At any rate, based on having been utterly swamped by caucus turnout in my state and having a Secretary of State who's actually hoping for 80% in November, I certainly expect it to be huge.

    I'm also an election judge, specifically assigned to Election Day voter registration (which we permit here). I'm praying for big voter registration drives in the next month, to cut down on the number we need to handle that day!

  2. i see this being the worst election ever, get us new candidates please
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