
This person sent this to mad...should i be mad?

by Guest63108  |  earlier

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although i really am! i mean i posted this ad for my grandmother selling her horse-sassie- she is only selling her because the feeding and prices r getting too much for her[me and her feed 18 horses alone] and i put sassie as a breeding-companion only, and no one had to breed her it was just an option! and plus i only put 100 dollars because it wouldn't let me put contact us about price! because if she was going to a good home she would of been free. well here it is :

Great another crappy irresponsible horse breeder contributing to the

overpopulation now wants to dump another un-broke broodmare. Let me guess youd

keep her but you have too many horses. THEN STOP CREATING MORE. Try caring for

the ones you have. You do realize for 100.00 bucks shes a steak. But hey why

should you care, youve got a hundred bucks. Asshat

I replied to her or him. this really hurt too.i love all horses and all of our horses i would never purposefully sell them to a bad or meat person just




  1. wow... im sorry  to hear your situation and i hope everything works out

  2. hahaha write back and say -

    "Just another internet-junky, with no life who has nothing better to do than sit on the computer and make cyber assumptions about something they know nothing about. Great! Just what the world needs more of"

    Just kidding dont say that but, dont worry about it!!! You sound more than genuine about your concern for your little mare and this person knows nothing!  Dont worry.  Keep searching for a perfect home, it'll come along. Just delete the email and be confident that you are going to find her a GREAT forever home :)


    cnsdubie and hudson have some good points, in that, the add may attract the wrong poeple.  Ultimatley though the SALE is only final when you say it is.  What your doing isnt wrong, so dont let anyone tell you it is.  It all comes down to you taking the right responsibility in finding the horse the RIGHT home which you will.  Call references, be sure to feel the people out, if they are within realistic travelling range, go approve the home! !!! Just take the extra step thats all they are saying.  But dont let them scare you either, not every person who looks at your add is a kill buyer.  Dont stress about that because ANY seller could worry about that stuff.  There are ALOT of free horses who go to fantastic homes, it really isnt THAT often that Killer buyers shop online anyhow.  Not to say it DOESNT happen (because it has!) but 99% of the time they go to the auctions where all the REALLY sad stories are.  Just stand strong, take the extra step and find her a really good home.  :)  

    Smile My Dear, its all going to be JUST fine!


    FYI, its been 12+ years in the horse busines and doing my personal research on slaughter, behind the scens at auctions (to which I just rescued a perfectly good little TB out of the meat pen two weeks ago) and heart ache trying to make an efficient difference in the corupted world of horses.  So may I point out that Iam more than educated on the "behind the scenes" NASTY horse world to which Ive experience my cup of tea full of.  However, thinking realistically is one thing, its another to bombard this poor girls head with ONLY the negative of situations.  I beleive that its been made clear the negative consequences, I think she gets the point at who she potentially attracting and its just NOT necessary to keep flooding her poor mind with all of these horrors.  YES, reality needs to be heard and people need to really know the truth but its obvious that she is TRYING to do the best thing for her leave it be for goodness sakes.  My intention in my last post was not to add to the negativity and instead to enstill some hope that YES! there ARE good people out there looking for a pasture ornament...and beleive it or not, there are.  I think one too many people on this question have planted horrors in her mind, enough is enough.  Its up to her to find the horse a good home and do the most responsible thing she can to do so.  That is, refrences, scoping out the people well, approving the home, perhaps suggesting a first rights to purchase back contract to ensure, legally (to an extent) that the horse will not be sold to any meat buyers/kill buyers or any other home without being offered back to her first.  Stop being so negative with her already, as I said before, I think its obvious she is trying.....I absolutley 100% respect your opinion/comments, but please refrain from assuming that I havent experienced any behind the scenes issues.  Because its far from that at all.


    You know what, PH 1 is absolutley right !!!!!!

  3. Well, sorry to say, but it seems like your ad somehow made it onto the Fugly horse of the day blog.

    They are very anti-breeding for no purpose than to breed and when you said that Sassie be considered for use as a companion-breeding partner...they in their own minds and with good reason are trying to stop senseless breeding. Look at how your grandmother now needs to get rid of Sassie because of feed costs, etc.  If you have 18 horses and are willing to "sell" one for $100.00 it doesn't seem that you have her best interest in mind.

    Do you realize that unfortunately Sassie being offered for $100.  will probably be bought by a kill buyer or a "broker" who is going to tell you what you want to hear and promise you that she will be going to a loving home but will unfortunately be put into an auction and sold for maybe $200.00 and as much as I hate to say it..but it is the truth these days..will end up over the border in Mexico or Canada  for a very unfortunate demise.

    Have you looked into perhaps donating her to a therapeutic riding center....I don't know how old or what her training has been...but the way you advertised her...does not offer much hope for her.

    If you have 18..and I don't, but what is going to happen to the rest of them down the road..and what is one more mouth to feed?

    I know you might consider it mean...but this is someone who really cares about horses and does not want to see either another born only to add to the plight over over population and the unfortunate slaughter of horses.  Also, bear in mind that even professional breeders are cutting down on breeding right hopefully encouraging non professional or "grade" backard breeders should do the same.

    So, hopefully, you can look around and find another alternative for Sassie and hopefully find her a safe home.


    Here is a link to the don't feel as if you've been singled out....


    Look, you posted a question and I just responded and posted why and where your response probably came from. And, because I do care about YOUR horse just wanted to give you some insight as to what can happen and what to be aware of during these horrendous horse times.   Geesh....  best of luck to you and your family and Sassie.

  4. ..............."head desk" ......"head desk"

  5. thats mean, it is just the horse world though, everyone thinks they know everything about you when they dont even know you. Cussing back wont do any good cause this idiot already has their mind up about you. Just move on cause you know what is true and what does it matter if they think this?


  6. That's horrible! If that were me, i'd cuss them out so bad! Omg. Don't let them get to you. People like that have low self-esteem and have to throw people down to make themselves feel better. Your horse will find a great home and live a long life. Who would want to eat a cute horse anyway?

  7. I would change the 100 part. Some horse traders may be interested and "ship her out". But that shouldnt be made into an issue. Are you advertising her only on the internet. Find a site and put Best Offer instead of a price. People seem to have way too much time on their hands to be posting silly things like that person did.

  8. Sorry that you have to sell your horse. Trust me, I've gotten a few snotty emails from some people and I let my emotions get the better of me and I emailed them snotty emails back, but you just have to let it go.

    As for the 100 bucks thing, I would take your ad off the internet and try to sell locally. Is there a farm in your area that has room for one more? Maybe you could try to sell one of your already broken horses to an equestrian centre. You have 18 horses... one less mouth to feed isn't going to make much of a difference hay wise, there's still 17 left! I would personally sell a few that are broken to a riding centre or something.


    do u have msn? u can talk to me on that? my msn name is Jigsaw_Joe

  10. I just wanted to say that I belong to a group of people who help out a local horse rescue...and lately due to the price increase of gas and hay, there has been quite a few horses just "dumped" at the rescues and local feedlots.  Some people get angry about this and do OVER REACT to ads such as yours.  I am so sorry that happened to you.  I wish people would ASK about your situation before jumping in and making nasty and stupid remarks.  Sorry!!!!

    Anyways, more and more people do need to be aware that even though the US shut down all of their slaughterhouses, now the poor horses have to travel 500+ miles into Mexico and Canada to be slaughtered.  Having to travel all that ways, cramped in a trailer with many, many other horses (stallions, mares, geldings...young to very old)..many don't even make that journey and die on the way.  It is a sad situation.  I hope that if someone is to give away a free horse, please check where the horse will be living and such..i could save their lives!

    Just ignore that old "bitty" and go on with your life.  Sorry that happened to you!

  11. One thing that bugs me about our country is black and white thinking and the eagerness to toss civility to the wind for a quick stab at ego gratification.

    Whether it is people who love Bush, or Obama or read FHOTD, people just love to be drama llamas (and I believe that's a fugly term) and attack others. Throw in animals and you have the insta-PETA brigade, I swear people love to accuse people of being animal abusers more than they care about ending child abuse and child poverty and the energy that could be spent working for RATIONAL change rather than attacking  people who may be good natured but misinformed.

    I'm not going to comment on your horse situation, but I do think that the person who wrote to you is a loser and contributer to the foulness of the world.

    One doesn't educate by alienating.

    Ultimately I'm sorry that you received that message. While I respect a lot of the messages Fugly is trying to get across and I don't support irresponsible breeding, encouraging people to attack others, verbally or not, is not the way to solve a problem, it's an excellent way to make problems go underground.

  12. that is mean :/ don't worry about it though :)

  13. Well...whether a horse is sold intentionally or unintentionally to a bad home or a meat buyer is not the issue...the end result is the same, just the lazy seller gets the resulting "out of sight, out of mind" clear conscience that they didn't do it "intentionally."  As for the horse, it would still be in a bad home or on the slaughter truck, and all the "good intentions" in the world don't replace responsible actions.

    I won't go into the whole "why did grandma allow herself to get into this position owning 18 horses in the first place" because regardless of the reasons and lack of foresight, she has more horses than she can care for.  Hopefully she isn't breeding more...

    If you really love the horse, you will rehome her responsibly.  Perhaps you don't realize that the ad you describe is like a beacon to kill buyers and disreputable horse traders who will tell you wonderful stories about 4-H homes or lush pastures full of old retirees, then take her for free and turn her to steak or dump her in the first sale he or she can get to, or dope her up and sell her unbroke to the first gullible novice who comes along.

    How much work are you going to put in to making certain your beloved mare gets a good home?  Are you going to check references?  Follow up?  Show them the puddle that is what is left of the last person who tried to con you regarding one of your retirees?  If the answer is yes, then you're not an asshat.  If no, then if the shoe fits, wear it.  

    People SHOULD feel bad if they are doing rotten things.  

    It's called a conscience.

  14. tell them to shut up... if you can put int he description at all that you want to discuss the price with them then do that and put 000 for price...

  15. lol...sounds like you got fuglied...hehehe.

    And this part:

    and plus i only put 100 dollars because it wouldn't let me put contact us about price! because if she was going to a good home she would of been free.

    That is a joke...because you can type the information in the description.

    Whoever sent you that email is are just asking for the meat buyers and traders to come knocking on your door for that poor mare.

    In all of don't say whether the horse is trained for anything or if it's got an old injury and that is why you are basically giving her away...or is she a broodmare that didn't take this year so now she is worth don't say anything about i can see where someone would come to the conclusion that you are just trying to dump the horse.

    Edit: Although the person who emailed you didn't need to be so vulgar...the point that a lot of people are trying to make these days is that people use these broodmares up and don't bother training them to ride or drive, so that they can have a second chance at life when people are done breeding them. It's a waste of a life. You all got what you wanted from the mare...and although you want her to go to a good does sound like the first person to drive up with a $100 bucks or a good sob story is going to drive off with your grandmothers horse.

    You said that this mare was ridden years ago but you don't know how she would do now...why don't you find out before just throwing her out on the market? Then you could up her price above kill prices...and kill buyers DO surf the net looking for deals like yours in THEIR areas. don't make any say this in your last paragragh:

    {{ we didn't want her to get pregnant with her last two! those we accidents! none of the horses we have are sassie's babies!}}

    Those are your words...not mine...sorry you aren't getting the sunshine and rainbow answers that you are looking for, but the market for horses like yours are non existant...and it's hard to be nice when you say one thing and in the same sentence say something completely different...makes you look like you are just trying to say what everyone wants to hear but you keep slipping up and telling the truth...

    I'm moving on...there is no advice for you...I'm very sorry for that poor mare.

    Edit...I just had to come and your grandmother can't do all the work for all those horses...yet in this question you are looking for another one...;...

  16. "Sassie has had 5 babies"   " too many horses to feed" the same paragraph i am sorry but it just sounds really irresponsible. i am sure you love horses and mean well but why did she have 5 babies...and the stallion got there a reason why he is a he registered? is he good quailty... what show records does he have....if no to all of these then why is he a stallion anyways? you got that e-mail because there are alot of smart people out there who understand the horse overpopulation and feel strongly about it. maybe sassie shouldn't have had 5 babies...becuase now there are too many horses to feed.

    and sorry for the reality but there is a good chance a kill buyer will come for her they bring there kids and have references and have the kids all excited and really does look legitimate. i know u mean well but there is alot of harsh realities you obviously don't know about.

  17. The person who wrote it is clear a Fugly Horse of the Day sheep...not that I don't like FHOTD and not that they (EDIT:  "they" being the person that wrote to you) don't have a point, but the "asshat" is a dead giveaway (must we ALL speak like Cathy from FHOTD writes?  Sheesh).

    I'd just ignore it.  Like I said, FHOTD is great and makes some good points, but dang people, it's not gospel and it need not be repeated verbatim...

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