
This pic is of my shower cieling... brown spots are coming and the paint is coming off a bit... (pic)?

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i live in a condo.

I want to repaint it white here, is that ok? i am not good with these things.

i would like to know if i can jus paint the brown spots and holes, or do i need to repaint the entire bathroom cieling, and how many coats?

also, for a bathroom with a shower (i take hot showers) is there a type of paint i should use?




  1. Yes that's the cause, you need either a fan or a window, preferably a fan. If you have one now, make sure you run it until the ceiling is dry. For paint. they make an anti-mildew additive that you can add to the paint for this area, but the key is to keep it dry. You should also check to make sure the drywall isn't wet or rotted before you paint over it.

  2. hi ,by the look of your pic your ceiling is in need of repair before you paint. First you should scrape away all areas that have loose paint! then use drywall mud(lightweight plus 3)and coat over the edges and any blemishes.When dryed completely lightly sand the you should prime with Zinnzar 1 2 3 stain block primer.When dry paint intire ceiling with a bathroom paint it 's made for moisture areas. you should definitely use a exhaust fan at all times. good luck

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