
This place Haunted?

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has anyone heard of Glensheen Mansion in Duluth MN?? what are your impressions on the place? experiences?




  1. I live in Duluth and have been there.  I guess I don't know that I'd say it's haunted, but it is a little creepy when you know about the murders and where they happened in the house.  Up until a couple years ago, the tour guides were not allowed to discuss the murders, but since there was so much interest in it, they now can discuss it if a person asks (they won't mention it unless asked).  If you go on a tour there, it's mostly to see the house and grounds.  They have several old carriages, horse stables, etc.  They'll discuss the woodwork and furniture, etc.  So the tour is still based on the mansion itself, not the murders.  But with the twists and turns of the "who-dun-it" factor, it is an interesting tale!

  2. no sorry, never heard of it.
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