
This poem has a view to the future,may I have your comments?

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History is my story,

It did not happen while I slept

As others constant vigil kept.

For every great man and woman

Hundreds, even thousands surround them

Whose names may ne'er be known

Whom destiny on different paths had thrown,

But lacking even one,

The Great would not be great

So many the strands to each thread of Fate.

I consider teaching a subversive activity,

My children a bow that's strung.

My eldest teaches university,

As well as music to the young.

She teaches teachers

There is and will be tomorrow.

One day she'll return from the bleachers,

To plough a younger furrow.

We cannot leave statecraft

To those who hold state,

Deny our own duty until it's too late.

If everyone waits to be told what to do,

There'll be nothing but slaves

Before all is through.

All looking forward, each take a part

Our common history everyone's art.

©March 25, 2008, Albert K. Jungers, All Rights Reserved




  1. A great poem about individual responsibility. Yes, history is "my story" as it is written by individuals. I am also conscious of my responsibility as a teacher...  

    By the way, in French we use the same word for "story" and "history" (histoire)...  

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