
This probably sounds like a bad question?

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what is the consequence for driving with beer in your car when you are 16 if you get pulled over by a cop and they find it. im just curious, because i know of someone who did this and almost got caught?




  1. What country, province or state are you in?

    Here in Ontario, if the beer is in the car (not in the trunk, where it should be) then a 16 year old (and thus not a full driving licence yet) would lose their licence on the spot, and have to re-apply, as well as being charged with illegal possession of alcohol, even if they hadn't drunk any.

  2. Jail

  3. It's called minor in possession and even if you say it's not yours, you will be charged. It does not have to be open for a minor to be charged.

  4. "open container" law applies statewide in Louisiana.

    self explanatory.

  5. Was the beer opened?  Big trouble if it was.

    Not so sure it is an issue if it wasnt opened.  Could belong to the owner of the car.

  6. class C misdi. and hed probably have to blow if it was open, just to make sure.

  7. In Wisconsin you could get

    1. Underage transporting alcohol in motor vehicle

    2. Underage possession of alcohol

    3. Open intoxicants in a motor vehicle (assuming it was open)

    4. Absolute Sobriety (assuming he took a drink)

    5. DUI (assuming he took enough drinks to be over .08)

  8. im pretty sure that if, for example, a case of beer is open or not in the trunk, meaning the box is open, that you can get into trouble for that. it may be if the can is open, but im pretty sure ive heard otherwise.

    it just looks bad, is the thing, because the cop is going to see that and think why is a 16 year old driving with a can of beer in their car, and there is no one in the car that is 21+?

    you know?

  9. I would say that the person would be issued a citation for "Minor in Possession of Alcohol".  This is usually a Class C Misdemeanor.

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