
This question if for Americans?

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Does it bother you that America donates to people in Iran and people in Sudan etc. I think it is grate that we like to help other people, but don't you think we should donate to people in America? Don't get the thought that i don't care about other people but don't you think we should donate to people in America?




  1. people are people no matter what country they are in.  does it really matter.

  2. It doesn't bother me that we donate to other countries, but we do need to do more for those who are homeless/hungry in our own country. What bothers me more is the fact that we are always fighting other countries' battles.  I don't understand why the US has to go to other countries risking the lives of our troops to give another country democracy, especially when most of the time they don't even want our so-called help

  3. We feed them while our people suffer. We fight and kill the people we feed and arm while we suffer. We destroy their towns and then rebuild them while our building fall and rot. What do you think?

  4. People in this country have the opportunity to take care of themselves. People in many other countries do not have that opportunity and need our help. If you're hungry in America, you need to get off the couch and go to work. If you can't work there are programs to take care of you.

  5. For some reason, you seem to believe nothing is done for the people in America.  That is unbelievably wrong.  Look at how much of is going into things like school lunch programs, or even school breakfast programs, the WIC program, subsidies to public transportation programs and Community Development Block Grants to improve, expand or rebuild necessary infrastructure.

    Because people not receiving weekly or monthly checks does not mean that they are not being helped.  If they have to get across a city and the bus or subway costs a dollar, it would be more than five times that without the assistance going to the cities.

    A major portion of sanitary sewers are built with government funding.  I consider not having raw sewage from a failed septic system running through my lawn as a good thing, and a result of this aid.

    Now going to what I feel you are really asking about, and I may be wrong, the government does NOT owe anyone a good life.  All that is owed to those of us capable of supporting ourselves is a fair chance.  Part of that fair chance is subsidized in the form of job retraining for failed industries, by the way.  Those who can not, as opposed to those who will not, support themselves are a separate issue and not about to be discussed here.  Those who are unwilling to support themselves and their families have a right to one thing that is a right of all Americans.  They have the right to fail.  Anyone who would rather fail than put forth an honest effort deserves the consequences.  Anyone unwilling to learn and work at a trade, and not necessarily a high-paying trade, has the right to be homeless and live under a bridge.

    At least his neighbors won't be shooting at him at odd times of the day as happens in these other countries.

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