(not trying to be rude, but please please please try to be help full, not saying nonsense only for two points!)
so, I'm going on a vacation to my grandma's House and it takes us 12 hours to get there.we are staying there for about 2 months!) the good thing is that when we're in the way, he is sleeping and when we get there its the time that he wakes up! ( 7:00 pm) i can put him on the ground, under my legs. i can also put a blanket on the cage so he can have some privacy! and i will of course
make a way for him to breathe.
i have all he needs: food, water, treat and...
so are there still any problems? if there is, how can i solve them?!!!
and if there is anymore information i need to know, please tell me!
thank you so much!