
This question is driving me insane! I'm sooo bad at scientific notation.....?

by  |  earlier

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(^ stands for exponent, and x stands for multiply)

(8.2 x 10^4) x (3.7 x 10^2) write in scientific notation

Thanks ssooooooooooooooooooooooooo much! <333 autumn




  1. Multiply 8.2X3.7 and then add the epxonents

    30.34 x 10^6

    go even further to

    3.034 x 10^7

  2. Why don&#039;t you multiply them out? You have 82000 x 370 = 30340000,

    which is 3.034 x 10^7. That is the only way to do it.

  3. 8.2*3.7 * 10^6

    = 30.34 * 10^6

    = 3.034 * 10 * 10^6

    = 3.034 * 10^7

  4. Scientific Notation is just multiplication and more, no less.

    Group all the &#039;numbers&#039; (the values ahead of the &quot;x&quot; sign) and then group all the &quot;10^----&quot; values).

    Like this:

    (8.2 x 10^4)(3.7 x 10^2)

    Now, carry out the multiplication and deal with the exponents.

    ==&gt; (8.2*3.7)(10^4*10^2)

    ==&gt; (30.3)[10^(4 + 2)]

    ==&gt; 30.3 x 10^6

    ==&gt; 3.03 x 10^7

    Group these like I did above, carry out the standard exponent rules of adding (or subtracting), and then put them back in their &#039;usual&#039; format at the last step.


    Make sense?

  5. Definition : &quot;Scientific form of a number N is written as a number less than 10 and greater than or equal to 1 multiplied by suitable power of 10 which on simplification gives the number N.&quot;

    eg, 4.332 X 10 ^234

    6.42234 X 10 ^ 455743.

    Note that the number before the multiplication sign must always be less than 10 and greater than or equal to 1 else the number will not be in scientific form. It is very helpful and reduces  long numbers having lots of 0&#039;s in a simple convinient manner.

    Now first simplify your number, which will give 30340000 or 30.34 X 10^6. Now read the definition carefully and write it in scientific form as 3.034 X 10 ^ 7 . Now you can use this definition in other numbers also.

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