
This question is for Independents Only?

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Aren't you tired of an ineffective government due to bias of any kind? I'm personally tired of Democrats and Republicans, performing in front of me like circus animals. Often they wind up arguing, bickering, and destroying our country, with attitudes that wouldn't be allowed on Barney. I seek an organization that blows the whistle on those in politics that harm our country for 'Partisan Politics'. Are there any currently available, and would you as an Independent support this cause. Politicians that vote against their own electors should have to pay the price, just like convicted criminals. They should be bombarded with emails, phone calls, faxes, lists posted on you tube, you name it, as long as its legal, bomb them all. If Partisanship were spoken in the same breath as pedophilia, or as racism should, people would be more embarrased to attempt it.




  1. They get elected with "America's best interest at heart" but soon forget about that.

    Question ALL authority. It's the American way.

  2. There are over 9 parties in this country.  I admit that it might be nice if we were able to hear about them once in a while.

    I would dare to say that you're not the only one tired of nonsense.  Quite a few Dems and Reps are tired of it, as well as those in parties that never really get any consideration anymore.  Even a fair amount of media has grown weary, but they continue to run it since it sells.  They can go ahead and bicker about more gov't or less gov't all day long.  Oddly, they don't say much about effective gov't.  Oh, they claim they have it, but that's almost guaranteed to mean exactly naught and I think we're all wise to that.

    The Congress should be embarrassed.  They have only so many job functions - like reading what it signs *before it signs it, but this obviously doesn't happen.  If it did, they wouldn't be later saying that they wouldn't have voted for it if they knew what it said.  These people have an idea for that

    Personally, I love a good debate but I have to admit that these people go to far.  The politicians who wage these sad, pathetic, angry, partisan wars of misinformation, propaganda, and outright BS should be more than embarrassed.  They should be ashamed of themselves... reducing the process to something that could be on Jerry Springer with little more than a wardrobe change and the addition of some four-letter words.  How are the people ever to know where they stand on the issues or who would be best for the job?  They spend so much time picking each other apart with these lame partisan (and otherwise) epithets and weaving enough garbage into their points that they end up sounding more like hack pundits than the "proper" elected officials they want us to think they are.  I can't help but wonder what would happen if most of the people refused to play along.

    If you want to know if elected officials are voting against their constituents interests, it's a matter of public record and that and other information is available at places like

    (there are over 100 orgs and govs that provide an amazing amount of information and links as well as ways to contact the media/press, gov't and other organizations, let me know if there's something in particular you might be looking for).  Other officials will be in the record of their or your jurisdiction, depending on the matter, the location may vary.  While we do not own these people, they do work for us, which means we are allowed to send them letters, call and meet with them.

    I don't believe that partisanship itself is a bad thing.  It's when people turn it into blind, hate-filled, fervent assault that it becomes ugly and dangerous, but then that isn't partisanship anymore.  Depending on what they're doing, some of those things may be not allowed, questionable or outright illegal - in which case they would actually be criminals.  The same could be said for other things but I think I've gone on long enough and angered and alienated enough people today.

  3. It certainly would be better to have more options that the two that we essentially have now.  Even the forefathers, when planning our government, were against "factions" or political parties.  I think they talk about it in "Federalist 10" or something...  However, I don't think that there's anything wrong with people wanting to be part of the Republicans or Democrats if they believe in that ideology.  If other formidable groups were to emerge so we had more than just two options, people would still rally behind a particular party that they felt represented them best because such groups focus everyone's priorities.  If there were no groups, then people would be less unified, but we should have more than just two.  This is a point that my Government teacher loved to make by pointing out that often people will have more than just two pairs of shoes because they like to have options.

  4. I agree 100% I left the Republican Party in favor of the Libertarian party. As for whistle blowers Id recomennd this site.

    Id recomend skipping to the statement of principles

  5. I agree a 3rd party or viable independent would be better than the two party system we have now.

    The reality is the two parties have fixed the game so no 3rd party candidate will ever have a shot at being President

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