
This question is for Obama's supporters -?

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IF Obama actually agrees with Rev.Wright's hate speech, will you still support him? Remember, I said IF.




  1. If you have a question I'll answer it. Remember I said IF.

  2. I don't support any form of hatred.  

  3. No, if he agreed with Wright's extreme views and hate speech, I could not in good conscience support him.  

    You are right.  I have no balls.  Don't have any use for them, and as a woman the thought of actually having those nasty things makes me want to retch a little.  :-).

  4. NO

  5. Yes, as I understand their point of view on being an American of color here in the good old USA.

  6. I'm an Obama supporter, and I don't think it's fair to judge someone by whom he may have been associated with in the past.

    Think about it ... would YOU want to be judged by EVERY SINGLE PERSON you could ever be connected to?  I know that, for me ... I was pretty good friends with 2 people who I later (MUCH later) found out were drug-dealers ... I had NO idea!

    Please don't judge someone by where he's been or who he's been associated with.  Surely, Barack Obama can be judged on his own merits.  Whether you like him or not, judge him on what you KNOW about him ... not what you've heard, or who he may have been associated with.

  7. my answer is;

    Please put Rev. Wright's "Hate" speech into the proper context of this mans life. This is a man from before and who fought for the rights all people of color are finally beginning to enjoy in this country. When life for the black people was about using a different toilet then white people because Heaven forbid your white ars touches were a black one did. A different entrance and seating to movies, restaurants and concerts then white people. It's hard for the oppressed to just up and forget the anger and hate dispensed upon then by people of white colored skin. So you see, as a white guy. I agree with some to most of what Rev. Wright has to say. Just because almost all white people have never walked in the shoes of any people of color. Especially the elderly blacks that truly know the pain and shame of the treatment to our colored brothers and sisters.

    So to answer your question, Yes!

    I hope my answer helps

  8. Reverand Wright's so called "hate speech" consists of a couple of minutes of cherry picked comments,made years apart, with all context removed, and sewed together to intentionally give a completely false impression.

    I do not agree with everything he has said, but utterly reject the nonsense Republicans are trying to spread about him.

    Wright is a former Marine with an impeccable service record and numerous letters of commendation, and a history since his military days of serving his community. Some of his political ideas may be a little off key, but the image that has been created of him is wrong and deeply malicious.

    And would I support Obama - yes. Even if he agreed with what you lot are pretending Wright stands for I would still support him, as the alternative is a man who publicly declared himself a racist and who actively sought political partnerships with men who have made far more anti-American and discriminative statements of hate (ie Fallwell and Hagee).

  9. If my Aunt had balls, she'd be my Uncle.

  10. I am not an Obama supporter, but I have seen a speech where Barry says the incidences of HIV/AIDS, asthma, poverty, etc. etc. are multiple times higher in the black community than they are in the white community, if you google it you can find it.

    It used to be on Youtube but they had it removed, I guess it would prove that Barry is in lockstep with his mentor.

    And for the people responding "he repudiated him" LOL too funny, that was a public dog and pony show, read this link that clearly demonstrates Barry and Jerry orchestrated the entire debacle.:

  11. Does anybody really Go to church or just belong to one?

  12. no. I'd be disappointed and I don't think I would vote.  

  13. what did the Rev say..... that white people are racist?.... well that is really not news to anybody.

    i'm just voting for the smartest person and that happens to be Obama.

  14. As I recall, Obama denounced this guy, so this makes your question moot.

  15. you have any idea how old this is getting?

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