
This question is for a school assignment-Would you rather see gasoline or electricity cost cut?

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This question is for a school assignment-Would you rather see gasoline or electricity cost cut?




  1. Gasoline:  It has gone up most and that is where the greatest shock is.

  2. electricity, because that may mean we are using more renewable power generators like wind and solar, and less oil.

    Besides, price of gasoline will not go down, not to any degree. If it does, it's because of some artificial means like lowering the taxes. A low price encourages more usage, which is bad for global warming. A high price discourages usage and encourages people to buy more economical cars and to drive more economically.

    But actually, I's like to see both go up. Gasoline for reasons I mentioned above, and electricity because a higher price will encourage more renewable power generators like wind and solar, and less oil.

  3. acutally i would way prefer to see elecricity cost cuts because tis would start a revolution in the industrial level and if this would happend everything would start to run on elecrcity and it would be less polution...

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