
This question is for all the mothers out there?!?

by  |  earlier

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k I'm going into grade 9 (age 14)and i think i should be aloud to hang out with guys and go to a few SAFE party's! but i never asked my parents if i could and i was wondering if you would let your child be a little more... free (at me age) ??????




  1. As a mother, I know your parents are making sure you are protected from the unseen that happens at parties. If you are an honest and trustworthy teen to your parents then it's not you but others around you they don't trust. First off, to a parent, the only "safe" party is one supervised by adults. They may not be worried about what you will do, but what others will do to you. And I wouldn't allow my girl to go out with just a bunch of guys alone. She would have to be with a trusted female friend I know. And as the teenager I once was I had friends that went to safe parties only to never return because someone spiked the punch, gave them a "pill" that made them feel way to good, or stray bullets from gang members outside the party. I think you should talk to your parents to hear why you cant go and what you can do to earn their trust. It doesn't just come, it must be earned.

    Just a thought!

  2. I would but my husband wont LOL

  3. No way hon.Guys your age group just want s*x.Before you went to a party I'd know the low down on the parents and if I didn't think they were up to snuff,forget it then no party for you there.

    If they were decent people I KNEW I could trust with my life then I'd let you go.If I knew ANYONE in their home did drugs or drank, then forget it.The parents would have to be there in everyone's business during the party too.

  4. I would allow my 14 year old to hang out with guys in a parent supervised situation.  There is no such thing as a SAFE party.  Parties can get out of hand very quickly.  

  5. I think I would let you have the boys with you half of the time, and half way through the hang out time, they would have to leave. If I were a parent I would come and check on you often. That's just my opinion, though!

  6. Depends...If you are an understanding child that realizes that Mom and Dad worry.  They worry because of your safety and well being and the mere fact that they were once your age and know what goes on at parties even though you term them "safe".  Be up front with your parents and tell them everything tht you are doing and that they can trust you.  Do not engage in wrongful behavior and be very trustworthy of your parents and they will be very trustworthy of you.  Also keep you grades up ...this will help for your parents to allow you to be somewhat free...not totally free but somewhat.  You gotta understand that they are doing what is best for you and that they are still rasing you to be the best.  

  7. NO WAY! Once you have moved out, do what you wish.  

  8. Yes at your age is normal wanting this things, BUT they have to be safe and make sure your parent ALWAYS know where you are,with whom and return home at a descent time. BUT also remember to take care of your self  I am sure your parents had teach you some morals and values and you are going to be a good girl and behave.. You would know when to say NO to anything that you know is not safe or not good. This is not for parent to over react, we as parent will always worry for our kids even if they are married and with kids. This is just the LOVE we feel as parents specially US mothers.. So don't be afraid to ask and just remember to behave well and enjoy you teen years by being responsible of your acts, don't try to run if you haven't learn to walk....Best wishes and have FUN!!!

  9. am not 100% shore i would be keen on my child hanging out in the street ? but if it was at m8ts house and i meet them then may be

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