
This question is for guys about girls and stuff lmao??

by  |  earlier

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okay so like every guy i meet says he likes girls that wear short skirts and have long legs. well the problem is i have short legs (im italian and ive never met a tall italian so ya) and i look like a fricken r****d in skirts i was wondering what else i could do to turn a guy on i thought about wearing low cut shirts but my b*****s are umm a little prominent so i dont really want to look like a s**t any suggestions would be awesome! thanks! =]




  1. You don't have to have long legs to look good in a skirt, you just have to have nicely shaped legs.

    And as for low-cut shirts, just try for something a little lower that shows just a tease of cleavage.  Guys like cleavage!

  2. I would say you need to wear what suits you, it's not all about t*t's and ***. Even if you are only looking for casual s*x you could still do better than dressing like a prostitute. The subtleties of good dress sense can't be reduced to forum advice on skirt length.

  3. it doesnt matter if ur short or prominent, if u look good guys will probly like it, tight jeans and a shirt would probly do it for most guys

  4. skin tight pants should do the trick

  5. Well I might be the exception but I really don't like the short skirts or low cut shirts, I really like jeans though, and I think you would be great in a pair of fitted jeans that look like they were made just for you, remember most guys like shorter girls

  6. you dirty lil girl  

  7. Short shorts maybe? Or skinny jeans.

  8. Jeans would probably look good on you, and hey wear skimpy tops dont worry about the people who will call you a s**t just do it. I think italian women are so HOT so you are probably naturally pretty !

    smelling good attracts guys, it always makes me look back at the girl who walked past lol!

    good luck


  9. wearing provocative clothes only attracts shallow guys who are only looking for a bit of s*x. concentrate of your personality to attract a decent guy.

  10. Try a nice tight pair of denim jeans that should look nice on you.

  11. try to wear tops that are low cut but not toooo revealing

    just enough to show off what ur momma gave ya =D

    btw i think Italians are really pretty

    your so lucky  

  12. wear stiletto boots.

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